DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS
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DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS

Network Management

Order Number: AA--R1UHA--TE

November 1996

This book provides information about managing DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS systems.

Revision/Update Information: This is a revised manual.

Operating Systems: OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1
OpenVMS VAX Version 7.1

Software Versions: DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Version 7.1

Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts

November 1996

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The DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Network Management guide provides conceptual and task information about managing Digital's DECnet-Plus product (formerly DECnet/OSI). This guide explains how to manage and monitor the network.

Intended Audience

This book is intended for system managers and network managers who control, monitor, or test DECnet-Plus software running on an OpenVMS operating system. This guide assumes you are familiar with your operating system, but not necessarily experienced with the DECnet-Plus product and the DECnet Phase V architecture.

Document Structure

This book has four parts and nine appendixes:
Part I Introduces the networking concepts needed to understand DECnet-Plus operations.
Part II Describes tools that help make the transition from a DECnet Phase IV network to a Phase V network.
Part III Describes network management tasks.
Part IV Explains how to monitor the network.
Appendix A Lists the DECnet Phase IV components and parameters with their corresponding DECnet Phase V entities and attributes.
Appendix B Lists the circuit devices supported by DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS systems.
Appendix C Provides information about using the delay factor and delay weight attributes when configuring NCP and OSI transport.
Appendix D Provides an alphabetical command reference for the decnet_migrate, a tool that converts most of the DECnet Phase IV NCP commands to DECnet Phase V NCL commands.
Appendix E Provides an alphabetical command reference for the decnet_register, a tool for managing and registering DECdns and Local namespace node names.
Appendix F Provides command examples for common network management tasks.
Appendix G Explains how to use the console carrier, which provides access to the remote console subsystem (ASCII console) of a nework server on a LAN.
Appendix H Describes the correspondence between DECnet Phase IV (NCP) and DECnet Phase V (NCL) commands for managing VAX P.S.I. (X.25).
Appendix I Explains how to use the network management graphical user interface NET$MGMT.

Related Documents

The following related documents are part of the documentation set. For a complete list of the documents in the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS documentation set, refer to the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Introduction and User's Guide.

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VMScluster systems are now referred to as OpenVMS Cluster systems. Unless otherwise specified, references to OpenVMS Clusters or clusters in this document are synonymous with VMSclusters.

The following conventions apply to this book.
Convention Meaning
special type Indicates a literal example of system output or user input. In text, indicates command names, keywords, node names, file names, directories, utilities, and tools. Enter the word or phrase in the exact case shown.

You can abbreviate command keywords to the smallest number of characters that OpenVMS, NCL, DECdns, DECdts, and the other utilities accept, usually three characters.

italic type Indicates a variable.
bold Indicates a new term defined either in the text or in the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Introduction and User's Guide glossary.
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[ ] In command format descriptions, indicates optional elements. You can enter as many as you want.
{ } In command format descriptions, indicates you must enter at least one listed element.

Part I
DECnet-Plus Network Management Concepts

Chapter 1
Introduction to DECnet-Plus Network Management

Every day, a business depends on its network to exchange data in a timely, reliable fashion. A well managed network lets an enterprise accomplish common, essential, time-critical business functions. These tasks might include:

Whatever the task, the network is indispensable when users on multiple systems need to communicate. Consequently, understanding how to manage a DECnet Phase V network becomes vitally important to an enterprise that uses DECnet Phase V software such as DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS.

1.1 What Is Network Management?

A DECnet-Plus system needs little day-to-day management once you have installed and configured it. You might need, however, to modify the configuration occasionally to meet changing circumstances. You also need to monitor the system to make sure it is working correctly and providing the best service for its users.

This book provides information about postinstallation and postconfiguration tasks you might have to perform. For information about troubleshooting your network, refer to the DECnet-Plus Problem Solving guide.

DECnet-Plus provides many network management tools you can use to manage, monitor, and troubleshoot your network. The primary tool you will use for managing your network is Network Control Language (NCL). Table 1-1 correlates major network management tasks with the appropriate tool for accomplishing that task. Table 1-1 also provides a pointer to where you can find more information about the tasks and tools.

Table 1-1 Network Management Tasks and Tools
Task Tool See
Managing nodes in your namespace decnet_register Chapter 5
Managing the namespace DNS$CONTROL DECnet-Plus DECdns Management
Reconfiguring network components NET$CONFIGURE Chapter 6 and the installation/configuration guides for your system
Converting Network Control Program (NCP) to NCL commands decnet_migrate and NCP Emulator Chapter 2
Setting up routing between DECnet Phase IV and Phase V areas decnet_migrate Chapter 4
Downline loading, upline dumping, and controlling remote or unattended systems NCL and the Maintenance Operations Protocol (MOP) Chapter 10
Setting up network security, communications links NCL
Network Management Graphical User Interface ( NET$MGMT)
Chapter 7, Chapter 8
Appendix I
Setting up an OpenVMS Cluster alias NCL
Network Management Graphical User Interface ( NET$MGMT)
Chapter 9
Appendix I
Reporting network events during network operation NCL and the event dispatcher Chapter 12
Collecting information about your network configuration decnet_migrate Chapter 3
Displaying network status and characteristics NCL
Network Management Graphical User Interface ( NET$MGMT)
Chapter 11
Appendix I
Problem Solving
Testing network software and hardware by sending data through various network components and returning it NCL and loopback tests DECnet-Plus Problem Solving
Testing network connections, disconnect messages, and interrupts and checking for data integrity DECnet Test Sender/DECnet Test Receiver (DTS/DTR) DECnet-Plus Problem Solving
Collecting and displaying information about specific protocol exchanges between systems in the network Common Trace Facility (CTF) DECnet/OSI for VMS CTF Use

1.2 Identifying Manageable Network Components

A DECnet Phase V network consists of many units (for example, systems and network components such as links) that you can manage. To allow management of large networks, the units are organized into a hierarchical structure. This structure establishes a naming scheme that allows you to deal with the complexity of large networks. It is defined here only for the purpose of uniquely identifying entities, and does not show how the entities interact with one another.

Figure 1-1 shows the DECnet entity naming hierarchy. Each computer system in a DECnet Phase V network is a top-level unit that is represented as a node entity in network management. A node entity is assigned a name that is unique throughout the network. This forms the basis for assigning names to subordinate entities in the system that will themselves have networkwide uniqueness.

Below the node entity in Figure 1-1 are module entities. Modules consist of a group of network functions that, together, provide a particular service. Some examples of modules are Modem Connect, OSI Transport, Digital Data Communications Message Protocol (DDCMP), and High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC). There is only one occurrence of a module entity in a node.

Below the module are additional entities (or child entities of the module). These entities allow management of some part of a module's functions. The HDLC module, for example, maintains hdlc link entities for each communications link over which the protocol operates; hdlc link is the full class name of the communication link entity. Each instance of the hdlc link entity requires further identification to allow it to be distinguished from the others. For example, in hdlc link hdlc-1, hdlc-1 is the instance name that further identifies the hdlc link.

Figure 1-1 Entity Naming Hierarchy

The hierarchy of entities is used to form an entity name. An entity name consists of a global part and a local part. The global part contains the node entity name, which identifies the node in the network. The local part identifies the entity within the node. The local part is derived from the class name and instance name, if applicable, of the entity itself and those of its parent entities, up to the level of the node entity.

To identify an instance of an entity, supply the information indicated by the italicized text:

Global part Local part

node node-instance module entity-class entity-instance

For example:

node admin hdlc link hdlc-1

This syntax is similar to a fully specified mailing address, where the order of addressing might consist of the country, state, city, street, house and individual. All the components of the mailing address are needed to uniquely identify the recipient of the mail. Regarding DECnet Phase V networks, you must include all parts of the entity name to uniquely specify the precise unit being managed.

1.3 Modules and Entities

DECnet-Plus software implements the DECnet Phase V layered model. For each layer, DECnet-Plus software provides one or more modules, each of which implements a specific protocol and provides a corresponding service within the system. Each module is divided into entities that permit management of some part of the module's function.

Any modifications that you make to a DECnet-Plus system involve changing or adding to the network management information on the system. To perform network management tasks, you manipulate entities in the various modules.

For example, the Modem Connect module holds information for synchronous communications devices attached to a system. Figure 1-2 shows a typical module (Modem Connect) and its entities. The line entity in Modem Connect contains all the information (such as line speed, duplex, errors detected, and current state) about a particular communications line. A line entity exists for each communications line on the system.

Figure 1-2 Modem Connect Module

Figures 1-3 and 1-4 show the entity hierarchy structure for each module within each layer of the DECnet Phase V layered model.

Figure 1-3 Entity Hierarchy and the Upper Layers

Figure 1-4 Entity Hierarchy and the Lower Layers

To manage a system effectively, you need to know which module and entity contain what information. Table 1-2 summarizes the main tasks you can perform with each module. It includes names of entities in the module.

Table 1-2 Management Tasks and Related Network Management Modules
Tasks Module Entities
Enable or disable the system for networking. Node node
Manage modem connections. Modem Connect modem connect, call control port, data port, line, template
Manage downline loads and upline dumps of soft-loadable microcode devices, such as DSF. Device device, unit
Manage Ethernet CSMA-CD connections. CSMA-CD csma-cd, port, station
Manage fiber-optic data transmission. FDDI fddi, link, phy port, port, station
Manage synchronous or asynchronous DDCMP connections. DDCMP ddcmp, link, link logical station, port
Manage synchronous HDLC connections. HDLC hdlc, link, link logical station, port
Manage X.25 level 2 protocol to exchange frames between a DTE and a DCE. LAPB lapb, link, port
Manage X.25 level 2 for communications over a LAN. LLC2 llc2, port, sap, sap link
Manage framing functions for a communications link. Frame frame, link, port
Manage routing for the local node and for remote DEC WANrouter or DECNIS nodes. Routing routing, circuit, circuit adjacency, circuit ip address translation, circuit ip adjacency, circuit ip reachable address, circuit reachable address, destination area, destination node, ip destination address, permitted neighbor, port, reachable address
Manage downline loads and upline dumps of communications servers such as DEC WANrouter systems. MOP mop, circuit, circuit operation, circuit station, client
Manage transport between DECnet Phase V nodes, and DECnet Phase V nodes and multivendor OSI systems. OSI Transport osi transport, application, local nsap, local nsap remote nsap, port, template
Manage transport between DECnet Phase V nodes, and between DECnet Phase V nodes and Phase IV nodes. NSP nsp, local nsap, local nsap remote nsap, port
Manage proxies, applications, and processes using the network. Session Control session control, application, port, tower maintenance, transport service
Invoke loopback tests between applications on two nodes. Loopback Application loopback application
Log events about network operations. Event Dispatcher event dispatcher, outbound stream, relay, relay logging, sink, sink inbound stream
Manage an X.25 user interface. X25 Access x25 access, application, dte class, filter, port, reachable address, security dte class, security dte class remote dte, security filter, template
Manage how an X.25 client system operates. X25 Client x25 client
Manage DTEs, PVCs, and CUGs to control packet exchange between DTEs and DCEs. X25 Protocol x25 protocol, dte, dte pvc, group
Manage incoming and outgoing switched virtual calls. X25 Relay x25 relay, client, pvc
Manage how X.25 Connector systems communicate with client systems. X25 Server x25 server, client, security nodes
Manage Open System Application Kernel (OSAK) software, Digital's implementation of the OSI upper layers. OSAK osak, application, invocation, port
Manage namespace and clearinghouse characteristics for the Digital Distributed Name Service (DECdns) clerk. DNS Clerk dns clerk, known namespace, manual nameserver , remote clearinghouse
Manage clearinghouse characteristics for the DECdns server. DNS Server dns server, clearinghouse
Manage system clocks for the DECdts server. DTS dtss, global server, local server
Establish an alias for an OpenVMS Cluster environment. Alias alias, alias port

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