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DTJ on-line archive

Digital Technical Journals - the online archive

This is a machine-readable archive of all the Digital Technical Journals, scanned from the paper originals.

It is a remarkable collection of information and it still hugely relevant today in understanding why things work as they do. Much of this describes in detail the very first time that any of these things were designed and implemented. What's more, the articles are written by the people who did it and who have taken the time and effort to describe what, how and why they did it the way they did.

One of the many things that DEC was renowned for was the architectural approach to design. It works. Components of systems have changed significantly; CPU performance, memory, disc space have all changed massively, yet the original principles still hold true. More importantly, systems and software (such as OpenVMS itself) have been able to evolve without compromising the basic design principles and while maintaining an astonishing level of backwards compatability.

To those of us familiar with these products we expect things to work and we have trouble understanding why other products don't "just work". The difference is simply that inferior products just don't have enough good people behind them who have taken sufficient time and effort to "do it right".

This archive is a tribute to the outstanding engineering capabilities of Digital Equipment Corporation and to the people who worked there - and who in both culture and spirt still do so.

To mis-quote a well known slogan: "Digital had it then". A company so far ahead of it's time that the rest are still trying to catch up.

This document archive project would not have been possible without the assistance of many people, especially Sue Skonetski, Nic Clews, Paul Dolan, Dave Foddy, Ian Miller and all those kind enough to donate copies. My grateful thanks to them all.

One of the things I've also discovered and enjoyed while doing this is the carefully thought-out artwork on the covers, both back and front.

Scanned with a Kodak i65 scanner directly into Adobe Acrobat Professional V7.0.7, OCRed to make them searchable, bookmarked and indexed. Page thumbnails generated with Adobe Photoshop CS2.

Colin Butcher, April 2006.

Cumulative Index to Volumes 1 through 6

Front cover Back cover DTJ Cumulative Index 1985-1994 (Volumes 1 to 6) (PDF, 2.22MB) - Click to download the file DTJ Cumulative Index 1985-1994 (Volumes 1 to 6) (PDF, 2.22MB)
Cumulative Index 1985-1994

Numbers 1 - 9, 1985 - 1989

Front cover Back cover DTJ Number 1 August 1985 (PDF, MB) - Click to download the file DTJ Number 1 August 1985 (PDF, MB)
VAX 8600 Processor

Front cover Back cover DTJ Number 2 March 1986 (PDF, MB) - Click to download the file DTJ Number 2 March 1986 (PDF, MB)
MicroVAX II System

Front cover Back cover DTJ Number 3 September 1986 (PDF, 11.8MB) - Click to download the file DTJ Number 3 September 1987 (PDF, 11.8MB)
Networking Products

Front cover Back cover DTJ Number 4 February 1987 (PDF, 9.88MB) - Click to download the file DTJ Number 4 February 1987 (PDF, 9.88MB)
VAX 8800 Family

Front cover Back cover DTJ Number 5 September 1987 (PDF, 7.55MB) - Click to download the file DTJ Number 5 September 1987 (PDF, 7.55MB)
VAXcluster Systems

Front cover Back cover DTJ Number 6 February 1988 (PDF, MB) - Click to download the file DTJ Number 6 February 1988 (PDF, MB)
Software Productivity Tools

Front cover Back cover DTJ Number 7 August 1988 (PDF, MB) - Click to download the file DTJ Number 7 August 1988 (PDF, MB)
CVAX-based Systems

Front cover Back cover DTJ Number 8 February 1989 (PDF, MB) - Click to download the file DTJ Number 8 February 1989 (PDF, MB)
Storage Technology

Front cover Back cover DTJ Number 9 June 1989 (PDF, 7728KB) - Click to download the file DTJ Number 9 June 1989 (PDF, 7728KB)
Distributed Systems

Volume 2, 1990

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 2 Number 1 1990 (PDF, 5966KB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 2 Number 1 1990 (PDF, 5966KB) -
Doc title

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 2 Number 2 Spring 1990 (PDF, 8.66MB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 2 Number 2 Spring 1990 (PDF, 8.66MB)
VAX 6000 Model 400 System

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 2 Number 3 1990 (PDF, 5966KB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 2 Number 3 1990 (PDF, 5966KB)
Doc title

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 2 Number 4 1990 (PDF, 5966KB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 2 Number 4 1990 (PDF, 5966KB)
Doc title

Volume 3, 1991

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 3 Number 1 1991 (PDF, 5966KB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 3 Number 1 1991 (PDF, 5966KB)
Doc title

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 3 Number 2 1991 (PDF, 5966KB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 3 Number 2 1991 (PDF, 5966KB)
Doc title

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 3 Number 3 1991 (PDF, 5966KB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 3 Number 3 1991 (PDF, 5966KB)
Doc title

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 3 Number 4 1991 (PDF, 5966KB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 3 Number 4 1991 (PDF, 5966KB)
Doc title

Volume 4, 1992

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 4 Number 1 1992 (PDF, 5966KB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 4 Number 1 1992 (PDF, 5966KB)
Doc title

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 4 Number 2 1992 (PDF, 5966KB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 4 Number 2 1992 (PDF, 5966KB)
Doc title

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 4 Number 3 1992 (PDF, 5966KB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 4 Number 3 1992 (PDF, 5966KB)
Doc title

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 4 Number 4 Special Edition 1992 (PDF, 16.2MB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 4 Number 4 Special Edition 1992 (PDF, 16.2MB)
Alpha AXP Architecture and Systems

Volume 5, 1993

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 5 Number 1 1993 (PDF, 5966KB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 5 Number 1 1993 (PDF, 5966KB)
Doc title

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 5 Number 2 1993 (PDF, 5966KB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 5 Number 2 1993 (PDF, 5966KB)
Doc title

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 5 Number 3 1993 (PDF, 5966KB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 5 Number 3 1993 (PDF, 5966KB)
Doc title

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 5 Number 4 1993 (PDF, 5966KB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 5 Number 4 1993 (PDF, 5966KB)
Doc title

Volume 6, 1994

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 6 Number 1 1994 (PDF, 5966KB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 6 Number 1 1994 (PDF, 5966KB)
Doc title

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 6 Number 2 1994 (PDF, 5966KB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 6 Number 2 1994 (PDF, 5966KB)
Doc title

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 6 Number 3 1994 (PDF, 5966KB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 6 Number 3 1994 (PDF, 5966KB)
Doc title

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 6 Number 4 1994 (PDF, 5966KB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 6 Number 4 1994 (PDF, 5966KB)
Doc title

Volume 7, 1995 - Tenth Anniversary

Insert Engineering Milestones in Digital's History - insert (PDF, 5966KB) - Click to download the file Engineering Milestones in Digital's History - insert (PDF, 5966KB)
Engineering Milestones in Digital's History
Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 7 Number 1  1995 Tenth Anniversary Special Edition (PDF, 5966KB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 7 Number 1 1995 Tenth Anniversary Special Edition (PDF, 5966KB)
Doc title

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 7 Number 2 1995 (PDF, 6.83MB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 7 Number 2 1995 (PDF, 6.83MB)
Graphical Software Development, Systems Engineering

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 7 Number 3 1995 (PDF, 7.87MB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 7 Number 3 1995 (PDF, 7.87MB)
High Performance Fortran in Parallel Environments, Sequoia 2000 Research

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 7 Number 4 1995 (PDF, 9.06MB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 7 Number 4 1995 (PDF, 9.06MB)
Audio and Video Technologies, UNIX Available Servers, Real-time Debugging Tools

Volume 8, 1996

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 8 Number 1 1996 (PDF, 5.83MB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 8 Number 1 1996 (PDF, 5.83MB)
Digital UNIX Clusters, Object Modification Tools, eXcursion for Windows Operating Systems, Network Directory Services

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 8 Number 2 1996 (PDF, 5966KB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 8 Number 2 1996 (PDF, 5966KB)
Doc title

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 8 Number 3 1996 (PDF, 5966KB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 8 Number 3 1996 (PDF, 5966KB)
Doc title

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 8 Number 4 1996 (PDF, 5966KB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 8 Number 4 1996 (PDF, 5966KB)
Doc title

Volume 9, 1997

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 9 Number 1 1997 (PDF, 5966KB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 9 Number 1 1997 (PDF, 5966KB)
Doc title

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 9 Number 2 1997 (PDF, 5966KB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 9 Number 2 1997 (PDF, 5966KB)
Doc title

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 9 Number 3 1997 (PDF, 5966KB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 9 Number 3 1997 (PDF, 5966KB)
Doc title

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 9 Number 4 1997 (PDF, 5966KB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 9 Number 4 1997 (PDF, 5966KB)
Doc title

Volume 10, 1998 - Final Edition

Front cover Back cover DTJ Volume 10 Number 1 Final Edition 1998 (PDF, MB) - Click to download the file DTJ Volume 10 Number 1 Final Edition 1998 (PDF, MB)
Doc title