A000 941A 160/82 U 13 29596
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 20 of 34

AALSES 159/82 U 17 59188
36211B CTC Inventory Control, Part 26 of 35

AC1 159/82 U 9 3396
36152A Computer Aided Practice in EE AC Analysis

ACCLEG 159/82 U 11 2198
36214B CTC Accounts Receivable, Part 7 of 13

ACCPRT 159/82 U 7 29609
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 18 of 34

ACCT 164/82 F 20 59205
Laurel Computer Center, list of 2000 ACCESS Accounts and passwords

ADBUDG 155/82 U 13 3405
Advertising Budgeting Model

AERO 160/82 FP 10 2209
(Unknown data)

AGE60 159/82 U 14 29616
36214B CTC Accounts Receivable, Part 10 of 13

AGEPG 131/82 U 15 59225
36214B CTC Accounts Receivable, Part 9 of 13

AGETOP 160/82 U 15 3418
36214B CTC Accounts Receivable, Part 8 of 13

AGETRA 155/82 U 16 2274
36211B CTC Inventory Control, Part 22 of 35

ALERA 154/82 U 7 29630
36603B Propagation of Error

ALGIE 162/82 CP 9 59240
36851A Basic Algebra Drill

ANNUAL 159/82 U 5 3433
36199A - Marketing Simulation, Part 4 of 5

ANNUIT 158/82 U 9 135
Computes payment and withdrawal annuities

APADCH 159/82 U 6 29637
36638A CTC Accounts Payable, Part 13 of 24

APAGPG 155/82 U 13 59249
36638A CTC Accounts Payable, Part 24 of 24

APAGV 155/82 U 4 3438
36638A CTC Accounts Payable, Part 22 of 24

APAGVP 159/82 U 13 2219
36638A CTC Accounts Payable, Part 23 of 24

APCHAG 140/82 U 13 29643
36638A CTC Accounts Payable, Part 20 of 24

APCHGA 124/82 U 9 59262
36638A CTC Accounts Payable, Part 21 of 24

APCHIS 159/82 U 8 3442
36638A CTC Accounts Payable, Part 5 of 24

APCHP 155/82 U 8 208
36638A CTC Accounts Payable, Part 16 of 24

APCHPT 124/82 U 14 29656
36638A CTC Accounts Payable, Part 6 of 24

APCK1 159/82 U 13 59271
36638A CTC Accounts Payable, Part 11 of 24

APCKAS 133/82 U 7 3450
36638A CTC Accounts Payable, Part 15 of 24

APCKPT 154/82 U 13 2290
36638A CTC Accounts Payable, Part 10 of 24

APCKRG 159/82 U 12 29670
36638A CTC Accounts Payable, Part 9 of 24

APDIST 160/82 U 11 59284
36638A CTC Accounts Payable, Part 12 of 24

APDSTP 042/82 U 7 3457
36638A CTC Accounts Payable, Part 18 of 24

APDTAP 159/82 U 12 2346
36638A CTC Accounts Payable, Part 17 of 24

APINPT 140/82 U 16 29682
36638A CTC Accounts Payable, Part 7 of 24

APIPRT 155/82 U 10 59295
36638A CTC Accounts Payable, Part 8 of 24

APNAME 159/82 U 9 3464
36638A CTC Accounts Payable, Part 2 of 24

APNCAT 155/82 U 11 2358
36638A CTC Accounts Payable, Part 4 of 24

APNLAB 148/82 U 9 29698
36638A CTC Accounts Payable, Part 19 of 24

APNSRT 159/82 U 4 59305
36638A CTC Accounts Payable, Part 3 of 24

APPERG 145/82 U 13 3473
36638A CTC Accounts Payable, Part 14 of 24

AREA 154/82 U 4 280
36668A Computer-augmented Calculus Topics (Euler's Method)

ARINPT 159/82 U 10 29707
36214B CTC Accounts Receivable, Part 12 of 13

ARNLAB 159/82 U 7 59309
36214B CTC Accounts Receivable, Part 11 of 13

ARSORT 138/82 U 9 3486
36214B CTC Accounts Receivable, Part 13 of 13

ASCII 160/82 FP 4 284
(empty file -- records are blank)

ASCII1 148/82 CU 2 29717
36256B Creates an ASCII file containing all 256 ASCII chars

ASMB 116/82 CU 19 59316
36806A HPASMB, Part 4 of 4

ASORT 062/82 C 3 3495
Quick Sort, Robert Kyanko, April 1981

ATOM 162/82 U 4 352
36705A Derives the Electronic Configuration of any element

ATTEND 158/82 P 8 29719
36202A - Class Absentee Listings

ATWT 111/82 U 3 59335
36613A Calculates Atomic Weight

AVAIL 159/82 U 2 3498
36282A 6/73, College Registration Demo, Part 5 of 10

AVERG1 133/82 U 3 356
36340B Scholastic Grade Averaging on a Curve

AVET 153/82 U 5 29727
Prints total (for all PTS) Avg. $ usage and Puts on go

AVOGA 159/82 U 4 59338
36614A Avogadro's Number

BALANC 133/82 U 4 3500
36328A Trade and Payment Balances

BALSHT 158/82 U 17 2418
Proforma Income Statment and Balance Sheet sample generator

BANK 159/82 U 8 29732
36329B Solves Financial Problems

BARKPI 158/82 U 9 39920
36199A - Marketing Simulation, Part 3 of 5

BARKSI 116/82 U 14 3504
36199A - Marketing Simulation, Part 2 of 5

BASE 159/82 U 2 424
36796A Converts a Number in Any Base Into Any Base

BASES 153/82 CP 2 29740
Converts numbers from one base to another

BASKET 160/82 U 11 59342
36605A Basketball Statistics

BFIELD 159/82 U 7 3518
36312A Magnetic Field Picture

BIORTM 300/81 C 4 426
Biorhythm Plot Generator

BISQAR 155/82 U 4 29742
36240A - Squaring Binomials

BITREE 160/82 FP 14 59353
(Unknown data - profane)

BLDEMP 159/82 U 1 3525
Employee file (EMPLO) generator

BLDGRD 133/82 U 1 359
Grade file (GRDE) generator

BNDPRC 133/82 U 3 29746
36076B Bond Price computation

BNDSWH 159/82 U 17 59367
Calculates the effect of a Bond Switch.

BNDYLD 025/82 U 3 3526
36078B Bond Yield computation

BNKRSV 133/82 U 8 496
Bank Reserve Calculations

BNKSIM 139/82 U 12 29749
36713A Simulates a Year's Deposit/Withdrawl of a Small Bank

BOHR 160/82 U 10 59384
36313A Energy Level Diagrams

BOLA 145/82 U 18 3529
36879A Nuclear Reaction game

BRAIN 160/82 U 12 2435
36218A - Brain simulator

BSHEET 158/82 U 11 29761
36212B CTC Projection Programs, Part 8 of 10

BUDGET 145/82 U 14 59394
Departmental Budget Program

BUSCO 159/82 U 2 3547
(Unknown BASIC DATA statement program)

CADA1I 154/82 U 1 430
36205A Computer Assisted Arithmetic Drill, Part 1 of 3

CADA1M 113/82 U 4 29772
36205A Computer Assisted Arithmetic Drill, Part 2 of 3

CADA1P 159/82 U 7 59408
36205A Computer Assisted Arithmetic Drill, Part 3 of 3

CAL 155/82 U 14 3549
36250C File Information Dialogue Technique

CALNDR 162/82 CU 11 7012
Annual Calendar Generator

CALORI 145/82 U 4 568
36314A Calorimetry Experiment

CAPDCF 159/82 U 20 29776
Capital Investment Analysis

CAPINV 125/82 U 6 59415
Capital Investment Analysis

CAR1 057/82 FL 130 3563
36175A Data file for CARLOS

CARLOS 158/82 P 5 640
36175A CAI Review Lessons for Spanish II syntax

CASE1 152/82 U 1 29796
36790A Computer and Model Assisted Marketing: Planning

CASE2 158/82 U 1 59421
36841A Data Analysis

CATLOG 159/82 U 10 3693
36214B CTC Accounts Receivable, Part 4 of 13

CATPRT 113/82 U 10 2490
- CTC Manufacturing Parts Control

CATSRT 075/82 U 14 29797
Prints Inventory File (G1, G0) by Category A,B,C

CATT 159/82 F 10 59422
Text file describing Laurel High Utility Programs

CBIPRT 139/82 U 15 3703
? Prints Customer Agreement Intervals for file data (C1, G10A, G0, S1)

CHAIN 158/82 CL 1 431
GATB/NATB COM-data Chain selection program

CHARG 155/82 U 6 29811
36621A Millikan's Oil-drop Experiment

CHARGE 159/82 U 21 59432
36604A Charge Account Simulation

CHEM 138/82 L 10 3718
36295B Self-correcting Chemistry Test

CHEM1 140/82 L 16 2500
CAI Chemistry Drill

CHEM2 158/82 L 14 29817
CAI Chemistry Drill

CHM1 243/79 FL 22 59453
(data file full of numeric zeroes)

CHM2 130/81 FL 22 3728
(data file full of numeric zeroes)

CHMATH 243/79 FL 22 2562
(data file of unknown numeric data)

CIRFLW 158/82 U 9 29831
36632A Circular Flow Model

CKAC 139/82 U 15 59475
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 34 of 34

CKPRT 159/82 U 15 3750
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 27 of 34

CKREG 116/82 U 16 2634
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 16 of 34

CL11 154/82 U 16 29840
36760A CAI Geography Drill

CL12 159/82 U 16 59490
36760A CAI Geography Drill

CL21 091/82 U 14 3765
36760A CAI Geography Drill

CL22 113/82 U 17 2706
36760A CAI Geography Drill

CL31 159/82 U 16 29856
36760A CAI Geography Drill

CL41 139/82 U 18 59506
36760A CAI Geography Drill

CL42 085/81 U 15 3779
36760A CAI Geography Drill

CL52 159/82 U 13 2650
36760A CAI Geography Drill

CLASS 158/82 U 4 29872
36282A College Registration Demo, Part 9 of 10

CLEAR 158/82 U 2 59524
36282A College Registration Demo, Part 1 of 10

CLIMAT 156/82 U 1 3794
36760 - Climate Teaching Program

CLOUDS 140/82 U 11 2723
36325A Cloud Formation

CLRAJ 116/82 U 3 29876
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 11 of 34

CNGSEQ 050/80 C 5 59526
Modifies file 'SBL' for a Science Quote List

CNTEST 159/82 L 1 3795
Dumps string data from file 'SAVE1.A000'

COBOL 160/82 U 1 59531
36845B HP COBOL Simulator

CODBG 140/82 U 2 3796
36845B HP COBOL Simulator

CODDV 160/82 U 26 2778
36845B HP COBOL Simulator

COIDEV 160/82 U 17 29893
36845B HP COBOL Simulator

COLREG 116/82 U 1 59532
36282A 6/73, College Registration Demo, MAIN intro

COM 159/82 CL 5 3798
Inter-user messaging

COMON 159/82 U 19 2850
36845B HP COBOL Simulator

COMPLX 148/82 U 15 29910
36153A CAI in Algebra of Complex Numbers

CONSMP 106/82 U 7 59533
36330A Depression/Equilibrium

CONVRT 139/82 U 3 3803
36685A Temperature Scale Conversion

COPDV1 118/82 U 25 2922
36845B HP COBOL Simulator

COPY 160/82 U 2 29925
36282A College Registration Demo, Part 10 of 10

CORP 139/82 U 9 59540
36832A Criteria Occurance Report Program

COSC4 160/82 FP 50 3806
36845B HP COBOL Simulator, Data File

COSORT 133/82 U 4 572
36845B HP COBOL Simulator

COUNT 153/82 U 3 29927
36210B CTC Manufacturing Parts Control, Part 18 of 23

CPATH 131/82 U 11 59549
36171B Critical Path Analysis

CREFIL 137/82 U 1 3856
File creator

CRVLEN 139/82 U 5 784
36333A Computes Length Of Any Curve

CSHFL 120/82 U 7 29930
36142B Cash Flow Analysis

CSHFLO 119/82 U 12 59560
36212B CTC Projection Programs, Part 6 of 10

CSTANL 139/82 U 11 3857
36210B CTC Manufacturing Parts Control, Part 7 of 23

CTC1 153/82 U 2 645
- CTC file generator (G2,G2A,G3,G4,G4A,G5,G6,G7,G7A,G8,G9,G1)

CTC2 139/82 U 1 29937
- CTC file generator (C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8,C9,C10,C11,C12,C13)

CTC3 139/82 U 1 59572
36212B CTC Projection Programs, MAIN Intro

CTC4 140/82 U 2 3868
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 1 of 34

CTC5 148/82 U 1 647
36214B CTC Accounts Receivable, MAIN Intro

CTC6 118/82 U 2 29938
36638A CTC Accounts Payable, Part 1 of 24

CTCSUM 118/82 U 15 59573
36210B CTC Manufacturing Parts Control, Inventory Control

CURADD 154/82 U 8 3870
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 24 of 34

CURVA 139/82 U 1 717
(unknown small math computation)

CUS1 118/82 U 11 29940
36211B CTC Inventory Control Finished Products, Part 16 of 35

CUSADR 124/82 U 8 59588
36214B CTC Accounts Receivable, Part 2 of 13

CUSSRT 139/82 U 17 3878
36211B CTC Inventory Control Finished Products, Part 17 of 35

CVAREA 118/82 U 6 856
36620A Area Under Curve

CXSYSS 125/82 U 8 29951
36262A Solving Systems of Complex Linear Equations

DATA 154/82 P 6 29879
Keypunch Data Tests

DAVE 092/82 FL 7 3895
(Unknown file)

DAWG 162/82 FP 8 928
Data File for HOUND - ASCII Lineprinter Art of a Bassett Hound

DEAN 155/82 C 4 35401

DECAY2 145/82 U 8 29959
36307A Nuclear Decay

DECLEN 140/82 L 4 6354
Latin Declension, Noun/Adjective Agreement

DECSN 146/82 U 15 59602
36065C - Top Management Decision Game

DEPCOM 118/82 U 9 3902
Depreciation Method Comparison

DERSIN 139/82 U 2 718
36663A Computer-Augmented Calculus Topics

DERTIV 118/82 U 3 29967
36662A Computer-Augmented Calculus Topics

DESCAL 118/82 U 3 59617
Calculator Subroutine

DIFFEQ 139/82 U 7 3911
36159A CAI In Solution of Linear First-order Diff Eqtns

DIMIS 145/82 U 3 789
36277A X-Y Axis Segment Program

DIV1 154/82 P 6 29970
Word Division Program

DIV2 152/82 CP 6 59620
Word Division Program

DRILL 162/82 P 5 3918
36128A Basic Arithmetic Drill

DROIPB 119/82 U 5 1000
36179A Discounted Return on Investment and Payback

DROS 144/82 U 5 29976
36300A Genetic Characteristics expectations

DSSP 104/80 C 3 59626
Finds Total Record Space Remaining on Disk by Creating a Large File

DVDRS 119/82 U 8 3923
36156A CAI in Voltage and Current Dividers

DYNPRO 148/82 U 15 2994
Dynamic Programming Model

EADD 160/82 U 9 29981
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 2 of 34

ECAT 158/82 U 7 59629
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 7 of 34

ED0000 152/82 FP 200 3931
Editor/2000 Message File

EDERRO 145/82 FP 50 4506
Edit/2000 Error File

EDIT00 164/82 CP 25 29990
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT01 164/82 CP 29 59636
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT02 164/82 CP 27 4131
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT03 164/82 CP 25 3066
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT04 154/82 CP 29 30015
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT05 158/82 CP 26 59665
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT06 162/82 CP 24 4158
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT07 154/82 CP 23 3138
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT08 152/82 CP 17 30044
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT09 050/82 CP 3 59691
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT10 164/82 CP 24 4182
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT11 164/82 CP 14 3009
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT12 161/82 CP 18 30061
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT13 162/82 CP 17 59694
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT14 164/82 CP 23 4206
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT15 138/82 CP 3 1005
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT16 143/82 CP 28 30079
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT17 154/82 CP 9 59711
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT18 147/82 CP 26 4229
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT19 160/82 CP 27 3210
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT20 154/82 CP 28 30107
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT21 159/82 CP 28 59720
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT22 161/82 CP 25 4255
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT23 071/82 CP 3 1072
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT24 147/82 CP 25 30135
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT25 147/82 CP 25 59748
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT26 140/82 CP 26 4280
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT27 089/82 CP 25 3282
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT28 158/82 CP 3 30160
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT29 154/82 CP 19 59773
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT30 089/82 CP 9 4306
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT31 140/82 CP 4 1075
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDIT32 161/82 CP 14 30163
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EDITOR 164/82 CP 28 59792
Editor/2000 Version 2.0

EFIELD 159/82 U 8 4315
36629A Electric Field Strength

EFPRT 139/82 U 10 2869
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 4 of 34

EIDRIL 126/82 U 3 30177
Word Drill -- EI vs. IE

EINDIS 127/82 U 5 59820
36716A Twin Exercise in physics

ELECT 159/82 U 1 4323
36798A Campaign Strategy and Elections, MAIN Intro

ELECT1 159/82 U 7 1144
36798A Campaign Strategy and Elections, Version 1

ELECT2 141/82 U 7 30180
36798A Campaign Strategy and Elections, Version 2

ELECT3 141/82 U 14 59825
36798A Campaign Strategy and Elections, Version 3

ELMENT 159/82 U 5 4324
36267A Drill on Symbols for Elements

EMOD 127/82 U 16 3354
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 3 of 34

EMPDEL 139/82 U 6 30187
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 25 of 34

EMPIR 159/82 U 5 59839
36615A Calculates Empirical Formulas

EMPLAB 133/82 U 12 4329
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 22 of 34

ENGLSH 155/82 F 5 9644
DEAN - Foreign Language CAI - data file

ENGMEN 140/82 L 2 9601
English Grammar Lessons (Chains RELATI,EXTIM,STILL)

ENTRY 161/82 CP 23 3426
Data Entry Series, Version II (file STUDNT)

EQUIL1 076/82 U 5 30193
36308A Equilibrium Systems

EQUIL2 089/82 U 6 59844
36308A Equilibrium Systems

EQUITY 139/82 U 6 4341
Cost of Equity Capital

ERNHIS 134/82 U 13 3370
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 29 of 34

ESOUT 116/82 U 1 30198
Spanish program to dump file "AERO", chains "SACMET"

ESPEL 139/82 U 4 59850
EI vs. IE Drill - CRT Oriented

ESRT1 119/82 U 4 4347
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 6 of 34

ESWIM 147/82 U 4 1216
SWIM/SWAM/SWUM Drill - CRT Oriented

ETPRT 139/82 U 16 30199
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 5 of 34

EVOCH 119/82 U 4 59854
Homonym Drill - CRT Oriented

EVOLU 160/82 U 7 4351
36301A Evolution Study

EWHOM 139/82 U 4 1220
WHO/WHOM Drill - CRT Oriented

EX1 145/82 FP 15 30215 64 Data file containing numeric data and Periodic Elements

EX2 145/82 FP 20 59858
0064 Data file containing numeric data and Periodic Elements

EX3 145/82 FP 15 4358 64 Data file containing numeric data and Periodic Elements

EXDRSK 119/82 U 11 3498
Extended Risk Analysis

EXLSE 152/82 U 16 30230
36211B CTC Inventory Control Finished Products, part 6 of 35

EXLSEA 158/82 U 16 59878
36211B CTC Inventory Control Finished Products

EXPEND 158/82 U 11 4373
36111B Budget Expenditures vs. Targets Monitor

EXPNTL 113/82 U 7 1288
36148A CAI in Simple Exponential Functions of Time

EXPROJ 139/82 U 7 30246
36212B CTC Projection Programs, part 10 of 10

EXRCSE 161/82 FP 40 59894
(unknown hi-bit ASCII strings)

EXSMOO 120/82 U 10 4384
Exponential Smoothing

EXTCST 139/82 U 5 1360
36210B CTC Manufacturing Parts Control, Part 23 of 23

EXTEND 134/82 U 5 30253
36253A Total Accuracy Math Utility Program

F10GR1 133/82 U 7 59934
French Irregular Verbs Drill

F10GR2 139/82 U 10 4394
French Posessive Adjectives Drill

F10GR3 107/82 U 9 3509
French Posessive Adjectives Drill

F10GR4 107/82 U 9 30258
French Posessive Adjectives Drill

F10VO1 107/82 U 5 59941
French Vocabulary Review

F15GR1 107/82 U 5 4404
French Verbs of Movement en Passe Compose Drill

F15GR2 107/82 U 7 1432
French Verbs en Passe Compose Drill

F15GR3 134/82 U 7 30267
French Object Pronouns Y and En Drill

F15TRA 107/82 U 7 59946
French Verb Tenses Drill

F15VO1 141/82 U 4 4409
French Vocabulary Review - French to English

F15VO2 141/82 U 4 1504
French Vocabulary Review - English to French

F1DATA 145/82 FP 44 30274 64 (unknown numeric and string data)

F1NUM1 107/82 U 5 59953
French Numbers Drill

F1NUM2 159/82 U 5 4413
French Numbers Drill

F1TRA 107/82 U 4 1508
French Beginning Expressions Drill

F22GR1 107/82 U 6 30318
French Future Tense Verbs with Regular Stems Drill

F22GR2 141/82 U 6 59958
French Future Tense with Irregular Stems Drill

F22GR3 132/82 U 6 4418
French Future Tense of Reguular -ER and -IR Verbs Drill

F22TRA 107/82 U 6 1576
French Translation of Verb Tenses Drill

F22VO1 134/82 U 3 30324
French Vocab Review of Basic Material I Drill

F22VO2 147/82 U 4 59964
French Vocab Review of Basic Material I Drill

F22VO3 107/82 U 3 4424
French Vocab Review of Basic Material II Drill

F22VO4 107/82 U 4 1648
French Vocab Review of Basic Material II Drill

F2DATA 145/82 FP 75 30327
0064 (unknown numeric and string data)

F2GR1 107/82 U 4 59968
French -ER Verbs - French to English Translation Drill

F2GR2 107/82 U 4 4427
French Third Person Pronouns Drill

F2GR3 141/82 U 2 862
French Present Tense -ER Verbs Drill

F2GR4 107/82 U 4 30402
French Verb Forms (Singular and Plural) Drill

F2GR5 107/82 U 4 59972
French Verb Forms (Singular and Plural) Drill

F2GR6 107/82 U 4 4431
French Verb Forms in Sentences Drill

F2TRA1 107/82 U 5 1720
French -LM and -ER Verbs and Basic Material Drill

F2VO1 152/82 U 3 30406
French Vocabulary Review - French to English

F2VO2 107/82 U 3 59976
French Vocabulary Review - English to French

F3DATA 153/82 FP 130 4435
Grocery stock Inventory Data

F3GR1 107/82 U 6 1792
French Interrogative Words Drill

F3GR3 107/82 U 6 30409
French Negative Forms Drill

F3GR4 107/82 U 5 59979
French Interrogative Words Drill

F3VO1 107/82 U 3 4565
Vocabulary Review - French to English - Drill

F3VO2 107/82 U 3 1365
Vocabulary Review - English to French - Drill

F4GR1 107/82 U 5 30415
French Irregular Verb Avoir Drill

F4GR2 107/82 U 5 59984
French Irregular Verb Faire Drill

F4GR3 107/82 U 8 4568
French Imperatives Drill

F4TRA 113/82 U 4 1652
French Translation Exercise

F4VO2 107/82 U 4 30420
French Vocabulary Review - English to French

F4VOC1 107/82 U 4 59989
French Vocabulary Review - French to English

F5VOC1 107/82 U 4 4576
French Vocabulary Review

FALFIL 093/80 FP 3 1725
(Unknown numeric data)

FALLON 139/82 U 12 30424
36841A Fallon, Part 3 of 8

FCOPY 162/82 CP 27 59993
FCOPY Utility

FCOPY1 160/82 CP 27 4580
FCOPY Utility

FCOPY2 158/82 CP 28 3570
FCOPY Utility

FCOPYC 162/82 FP 14 30436
FCOPY Utility - Message File

FCOPYM 162/82 FP 50 60020
FCOPY Utility - Message File

FILE 154/82 U 5 4607
36282A College Registration Demo, Part 2 of 10

FIND1 158/82 U 7 1864
36250C FINDIT-File Information Dialog Technique, Part 7 of 8

FINDOR 158/82 U 6 30450
36250C FINDIT-File Information Dialog Technique, Part 6 of 8

FINFLO 131/82 P 6 60070
36711A Calculates Present Value - Stream of Cash Flows

FIX 050/80 C 1 4612
Rewrites A Data File (SBL, SBL,S200)

FIX1 050/80 C 1 1079
Dumps A Data File (SBL)

FL1 130/81 FL 20 30456
(empty data file)

FL2 136/77 FL 20 60076
(empty data file)

FLANG 154/82 CU 2 4613
Foreign Language Info Program (F10GR1 reference)

FLASH 161/82 U 3 1936
36880A CAI Word Recall Drill

FORTRN 162/82 P 22 30476
OMSI 2000 Fortran Version F-1.12

FPCETR 107/82 U 2 60096
French Practice With Passe Compse Using Etre

FREAD 162/82 U 2 4615
Reads Any BASIC-Formatted File

FREFL 145/82 U 2 1582
French Reflexive Pronouns Drill

FRENCH 155/82 F 10 9679
DEAN - French Foreign Language Data File

FREQ 145/82 U 4 30498
36341A Bar Graphs of Grades

FREUNT 124/82 U 8 60098
36211B CTC Inventory Control, Part 21 of 35

FRVOC 140/82 U 4 4617
French Vocabulary Review Drill

FSUBP 132/82 U 7 2008
36210B CTC Manufacturing Parts Control

FTNCPL 162/82 CP 26 30502
OMSI 2000 Fortran Version F-1.12

FTNINS 161/82 P 20 60106
OMSI 2000 Fortran Version F-1.12

FTNRUN 162/82 P 28 4621
OMSI 2000 Fortran Version F-1.12

FUNDTH 113/82 U 3 1939
36664A Computer-augmented Calculus Topics, Trapezoid Meth.

GAME 162/82 U 7 60126
Classic Matrix of Game Theory

GAMGN 160/82 U 10 4649
36302A Process of Gametogensis

GATB1 147/82 CL 8 2584
GATB FORM B Entry Program, Loads a Scratch File with Test Input

GATB2 146/82 CL 7 30530
GATB FORM B, Second Program

GATB3 146/82 CL 18 60133
GATB FORM B, Third Program

GBRKR 144/82 U 15 4659
36502A, Stanford Portfolio Management Game, Part 1 of 7

GCHLIN 159/82 U 15 3642
36503A - Rating Investment Funds

GCPATH 124/82 U 9 30537
36504A - Critical Path Analysis

GCPM1 140/82 U 6 60151
36505A - Critical Path Analysis

GDAPI 294/80 U 12 4674
36507A - Abnormal Performance Index

GDPA 090/82 U 7 2369
36508A - Efficient "Corner" Portfolios

GENE1 159/82 U 7 30546
36642B Genetics Simulation

GERFIL 158/82 FP 3 60157
36642B A Simple Genetics Program

GERM1A 160/82 U 3 4686
German Direct Object Pronouns Drill

GERM2A 140/82 U 1 1151
German Present Tense Drill

GERM2B 139/82 U 8 30553
German Review of Prepositions which are followed by Accusative Case

GERM2C 107/82 U 5 60160
German A-LM Level I

GERMAN 155/82 F 10 37348
German Data File

GERVOC 140/82 L 2 35394
German Random Vocabulary Drill

GFNRAT 140/82 U 8 4689
36510A - Financial Ratios

GHANS 159/82 U 4 2516
German Review of the Three Cases of Pronouns

GIRRPV 161/82 U 9 30561
36513A - Investment Return (Cash Flow)

GIS 162/82 CL 13 60165

GISAID 161/82 FL 646 4697
GIS Programs and Funds Data File

GISASO 161/82 FL 153 4556
GIS Programs and Funds Data File

GISCL2 155/82 FL 2463 30570
GIS Programs and Funds Data File

GISCL4 162/82 FL 3496 60178
GIS Programs and Funds Data File

GISCTL 162/82 FL 1 5343
GIS Programs and Funds Data File

GISDIR 364/81 C 2 1798
GIS program/file Directory Generator

GISDMP 364/81
16 33033
Dump Program for GIS Files

GISGRD 161/82 FL 1745 63674
GIS Programs and Funds Data File

GISLOC 364/81 C 3 5344
GIS Files and Programs Locking Utility

GISLOG 364/81
10 3518
GIS Log File Utility

GISNAM 364/81 C 15 33049
GIS Control File Update Utility

GISOCC 162/82 FL 2529 65419
GIS Programs and Funds Data File

GISSB1 162/82 CL 18 5347
GIS Main Dispatcher

GISSB2 162/82 CL 19 3714
GIS HP2000 Module

GKASSF 124/82 U 4 33064
36514A - Warrant Price Calculation

GKCOST 124/82 U 15 2412
36515A - Price/Earnings Ratio Calculation

GLP 152/82 U 9 5365
36516A - Linear Programming

GLPSA1 086/81 U 14 3657
36517A - Linear Programming - Two-phase Simplex Method

GMARKS 158/82 U 11 33068
36518A, GSB Grading Program, Part 1 of 2

GMCRO1 140/82 U 11 2427
36519A - Fiscal Policy Game, Part 1 of 2

GMCRO2 118/82 U 12 5374
36519A - Fiscal Policy Game, Part 2 of 2

GMCRO5 124/82 U 14 3786
36521A - Economic Policy Game, Part 1 of 2

GMEDIT 140/82 U 5 33079
36518A - GSB Grading Program, Part 2 of 2

GMRGB 124/82 U 5 2438
36530A - Securities Portfolio Analysis & Determination, Part 2 of 2

GNETFL 156/82 U 10 5386
36529A - Network Flow Determination (MAX/MIN)

GNMRVB 140/82 U 6 3161
36530A - Securities Portfolio Analysis & Determination, Part 1 of 2

GNPSUM 131/82 U 8 33084
Securities GNP, Consupt. and investment spending

GPAC 161/82 U 4 2443
Grade Package for Stocks

GPACC 161/82 U 4 5396
Grade Package for Stocks

GPACH 161/82 U 4 2804
Grade Package for Stocks

GPACI 161/82 U 5 33092
Grade Package for Stocks

GPACM 161/82 U 4 2447
Grade Package for Stocks

GPACN 161/82 U 8 5400
Grade Package for Stocks

GPACO 139/82 U 3 2947
Grade Package for Stocks

GPACS 161/82 U 3 33097
Grade Package for Stocks

GPACT 118/82 U 5 2451
Grade Package for Stocks

GPACZ 090/82 U 7 5408
Grade Package for Stocks

GPDQF 159/82 FP 100 4709
Grade Package - Data File

GPDQI 159/82 FP 99 33100
Grade Package - Data File

GPDQS 139/82 FP 30 2456
Grade Package - Data File

GPMS1 144/82 U 3 5415
36502A - Stanford Portfolio Management Game, Part 3 of 7

GPMS2 118/82 U 2 1942
36502A - Stanford Portfolio Management Game, Part 4 of 7

GPMS3 037/82 U 4 33199
36502A - Stanford Portfolio Management Game, Part 5 of 7

GPMS4 111/81 U 4 2486
36502A - Stanford Portfolio Management Game, Part 6 of 7

GPMS5 118/82 U 4 5418
36502A - Stanford Portfolio Management Game, Part 7 of 7

GPPL23 107/82 U 4 3091
German Past Participles, Irregular Forms Drill

GQUOTE 162/82 U 3 33203
36502A - Stanford Portfolio Management Game, Part 2 of 7

GRAD 145/82 U 4 2490
36282A College Registration Demo, Part 8 of 10

GRADE 154/82 U 3 5422
36342A Test Grade for Number of Questions Missed

GRAPH1 152/82 U 4 3307
36665A Computer-augmented Calculus Topics (Functions)

GRAPH2 123/82 U 4 33206
36665A Computer-augmented Calculus Topics (Functions)

GRAZE 161/82 U 8 2494
36746A Grasslands Ecology Simulation

GREF 144/82 U 2 5425
German Reflexive Verbs Drill

GRISKA 134/82 U 11 3733
36543A - Risk Analysis in Capital Investment

GROOT 134/82 U 4 33210
36880A CAI Tests Knowledge of Greek Roots

GSPMG 144/82 U 1 2502
36502A - Stanford Portfolio Management Game, MAIN Intro

GSSS 154/82 U 17 5427
36552A - Small Systems Simulator

GSTKVL 345/80 U 6 3449
36545A - Stock Valuation

GTHOR 144/82 U 8 33214
36553A - Securities ESP Growth

GVBSL1 107/82 U 4 2503
German Present Tense Verbs Drill

GVOCL1 107/82 U 12 5444
German Gender Review of Vocabulary Drill

GVOTE 158/82 U 6 3800
36550A - Committee Choice Analysis

GVPDQT 034/81 U 15 33222
36554A - Plotting Data, Part 1 of 2

HELLO 164/82 CP 2 2507
Laurel High School HELLO program - Chains to HELLO1 or LOGIN

HELLO1 164/82 CP 2 5456
Laurel High School Secondary HELLO Program

HELLO4 158/82 CP 2 2734
Another version of HELLO1

HINB1 130/82 U 8 33237
36841A Trace Output for Individual Consumers, Part 1 of 8

HINB2 144/82 U 6 2509
36841A Trace Output for Individual Consumers, Part 2 of 8

HISTRY 116/82 FP 4 5458
(unknown numeric data)

HLIFE 145/82 U 9 3806
36134A Half Life Simulation

HOLD 324/79 FL 10 33245
(unknown numeric and string data)

HOUND 162/82 CP 11 2515
Prints a Calendar With an ASCII Picture of a Bassett Hound (DAWG)

HPASMB 145/82 CU 12 5462
36806A HP Assembler Package, Part 1 of 4

HPEXEC 144/82 CU 10 3858
36806A HP Assembler Package, HPEXEC, Part 2 of 4

HPRUN 113/82 CU 14 33255
36806A HP Assembler Package, HPRUN, Part 3 of 4

IATA1 069/82 U 13 2526
36164B Calculate Air Freight Rates

IATAC 144/82 U 5 5474
Calculates Breakpoint of IATA Containers vs Commodities

IATATA 134/82 U 17 3868
Analysis of IATA and ATA Unitization Programmes

ICCPRT 310/81 U 16 33269
36211B CTC Inventory Control Finished Products, Part 29 of 35

ICCSRT 144/82 U 6 2539
36211B CTC Inventory Control Finished Products, part ?? of 35

ICMODQ 134/82 U 14 5479
36211B CTC Inventory Control Finished Products, part ?? of 35

ICPRT 131/81 U 17 3930
36211B CTC Inventory Control Finished Products, Part 2 of 35

ICTANL 144/82 U 13 33285
36211B CTC Inventory Control Finished Products, Part 20 of 35

ICTPRT 161/80 U 11 2545
36211B CTC Inventory Control Finished Products, Part 3 of 35

IDCHCK 140/82 CL 1 5493
GATB/NATB COM-data Chain selection program (CHAIN)

ILOVEU 162/82 FP 8 3947

IN 152/82 U 11 33298
36177A Data Center Inventory Master Data Input

IN2CAL 060/82 U 10 2556
36212B CTC Projection Programs, Part 2 of 10

INACNT 144/82 U 10 5494
Produces a Simple Set of Income and Product Accounts.

INFORM 161/82 CP 10 9669
School Requisitions Generator (SCIREQ)

INMAIN 134/82 U 12 33309
36212B CTC Projection Programs, Part 1 of 10

INNOBI 144/82 U 3 2566
Insertion of a Node in a Sorted Binary Tree (comments in Spanish)

INOUT 148/82 U 10 5504
Input/Output Business Analysis

INPUT 144/82 U 2 2950
36878A Input Routine for CHEM1 and CHEM2

INST1 144/82 U 14 33321
36212B CTC Projection Programs, Part 3 of 10

INSTLS 040/81 U 15 2569
36211B CTC Inventory Control Finished Products, Part 23 of 35

INSTMT 133/82 U 13 5514
36809B Income Statement

INTEGR 144/82 U 3 3237
36667A Computer-Augmented Calculus Topics

INTER 242/79 FL 5 33335
(unknown string data)

INTVS 070/81 U 7 2584
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 33 of 34

INV 158/82 U 15 5527
36214B - CTC Accounts Receivable, Part 1 of 13

INVCE 159/82 P 6 29885
Invoice Data Test Program (F3DATA,PUPIL)

IONIC 145/82 U 6 33340
36260A Drill on Formulas and Charges of Ions

IONIC1 146/82 U 6 2591
36266A Drill on Formulas of Ionic Compounds

IPRT 103/82 U 13 5542
36210B CTC Manufacturing Parts Control, Part 9 of 23

IRV1 090/82 U 10 4019
36250C File Information Dialogue Technique, Part 8 of 8

ISFPRT 308/80 U 15 33346
36211B CTC Inventory Control Finished Products, Part 12 of 35

ISOMER 160/82 U 9 2597
36261A Drill on Naming Alkane

ITAL1 161/82 U 3 5555
Italian Language CAI ocabulary Lesson 1

ITAL2 107/82 U 1 1295
Italian Language CAI

ITAL3 107/82 U 3 33361
Italian Language CAI

ITALAN 155/82 F 2 35353
Italian Language CAI - Data File

ITEM1 088/82 U 3 2606
36343A Number Frequencies

ITEM2 158/82 FP 5 5558
(unknown numeric and string data)

JACOBI 141/82 U 7 4074
36167A Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of a Real Symmetric Matrix

KEYSIG 125/82 U 4 33364
36258A Gives Major Scales

KINERV 144/82 U 5 2609
36315A Review of Kinematics

KINET 141/82 U 6 5563
36309A Kinetic Reaction

L2DECL 141/82 U 3 3885
Latin 2nd Decl. Nouns Drill

LABDIS 144/82 U 11 33368
36213B CTC Payroll Program

LABOR 141/82 U 19 2614
36233A - Labor/Management Bargaining

LALTUS 141/82 U 1 5569
Latin Agree First/Second Declen. Adjectives Drill

LANDIN 160/82 U 5 3955
36670A Computer-Augmented Physics Topics (Newton)

LANG 140/82 FL 30 33379
(data file for language Drills)

LATIN 155/82 F 10 8545
(data file for language Drills)

LATME 140/82 L 4 9638
Latin Vocabulary, Lessons 11-13

LAZA 147/82 U 3 2633
(unknown BASIC DATA file)

LBONA 141/82 U 1 5570
Latin Agree First/Second Declen Adj. Drill

LCORPS 140/82 U 1 1439
Latin Regular Third Decl. Neuter Noun Forms Drill

LEASIN 060/82 U 3 33409
36194A Lease Income

LEBITR 107/82 U 1 2636
Italian-commented program to dump BITREE file

LEE 160/82 U 1 5571
Italian-commented program to dump AERO file

LENDER 159/82 U 4 4081
Lender Loan Analysis

LENSES 140/82 U 5 33412
36630A Solves Lens Problems

LESSEE 141/82 U 12 2637
36091B Lease/Purchase Analysis

LHOMIN 107/82 U 1 5572
Latin Regular Third Declension Masculine Noun Drill

LIBCK 159/82 C 1 4226
Checks status of all library files

LIMP 159/82 U 4 4085
Latin Imperatives Conjugations I - IV

LIMSIN 103/82 U 3 33417
36622A Limit of (SIN X)/X

LINES 159/82 U 7 2649
36700A Conversational Computer Generated Calculus Quiz

LINPRO 140/82 U 8 5573
36068C Solves Linear Programs with Constraints of the Form

LINQUP 323/81 U 10 4089
36710A Solves a Linear or Quadratic Programming Problem

LIS 154/82 CU 4 33420
Dump a file to the printer

LIST 154/82 CU 1 2656
Dump data from card reader to the printer

LMAGNU 107/82 U 1 5581
Latin Agree First/Second Declen Adjectives Drill

LMATER 141/82 U 1 1871
Latin Regular Third Declension Feminine Noun Drill

LNTRND 082/81 U 5 33424
Linear Trend Forecasting

LOADR 027/82 U 12 2657
36876A Loads data into IATAID and CONTNR

LOAN 140/82 U 4 5582
36226A - Loan Amortization

LOCKEY 158/82 U 10 4146
36624A Lock and Key Model of Enzyme Action

LOGIC 147/82 U 1 33429
36251 - Logic Examination Programs (LOGIC1 thru LOGIC5), MAIN Intro

LOGIC1 160/82 U 4 2669
36251B Logic Examination Programs, Part 1 of 5

LOGIC2 160/82 U 4 5586
36251B Logic Examination Programs, Part 2 of 5

LOGIC3 160/82 U 4 4099
36251B Logic Examination Programs, Part 3 of 5

LOGIC4 159/82 U 4 33430
36251B Logic Examination Programs, Part 4 of 5

LOGIC5 156/82 U 4 2673
36251B Logic Examination Programs, Part 5 of 5

LOGIN 164/82 CP 2 5590
Secondary login program (post-HELLO) for Laurel High

LP0 162/82 AL 256 11745
--- DEVICE ---

LPARS2 107/82 U 3 4029
Latin Principal Parts, Latin II Drill

LPPARS 107/82 U 3 33434
Latin Principal Parts, Latin I Drill

LRFLX1 107/82 U 3 2677
Latin Reflexive Pronouns, Latin II Drill

LSUB1 107/82 U 4 5592
Latin Subjunctive, Latin II Drill

LSUB2 160/82 U 3 4156
Latin Purpose and Result Clauses, Latin II Drill

MALAR 160/82 U 13 33437
36797A Simulation of Attack Phase Treatment of Maliaria Ep.

MANAGC 159/82 U 26 2680
36209B 2000C Management Simulation Game

MARK 160/82 U 4 5596
36199A - Marketing Simulation

MARKET 160/82 U 14 4159
36619A Two Companies in One-Product Competition

MARKOW 137/82 U 11 33450
36092B Securities Portfolio Using Markowitz Model

MASK 160/82 U 7 2706
36199A - Marketing Simulation, Part 5 of 5

MASSD 160/82 U 6 5600
36310A Mass Defect

MAXFLO 158/82 U 4 4218
Maximum Flow Problem

MAXIMA 159/82 U 16 33461
36790A MAXIMA Part 5 of 5

MCOST 148/82 U 7 2713
36709A Simultaneously Compare and Eval 1000 Mgt Pmt Plans

MEMBR 148/82 U 7 5606
36611A Diffusion Experiment

MEMO 162/82 CP 2 9554
Laurel Users Memo reader

MEMO1 162/82 FP 4 4222
Laurel Users Memo - Data file 1

MEMO2 162/82 FP 15 35575
Laurel Users Memo - Data file 2

MEMO3 159/82 FP 12 11764
Laurel Users Memo - Data file 3

MEMO4 162/82 FP 13 11627
Laurel Users Memo - Data file 4

METBIN 148/82 U 1 33477
Italian Lang system Data File populator (BITREE)

METTO 148/82 U 1 2720
Italian Lang system Data File populator (AERO)

MICKY 162/82 FP 8 5613
BASIC-formatted file of Mickey Mouse

MKBUY 154/82 U 10 4232
Make-Buy Analysis

MKS1 154/82 U 10 33478
36671A Computer-Augmented Physics Topics (UNITS)

MKS2 154/82 U 9 2721
36673A Computer-Augmented Physics Topics (UNITS)

MM1 154/82 U 4 5621
36655A Queuing System

MMS 146/82 U 5 4242
36656A Queuing System

MODAJ 160/82 U 9 33488
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 13 of 34

MODG0 109/82 U 4 2730
36210B 2.63 0 CTC Manufacturing Parts Control, Part 14 of 23

MOLAR 138/82 U 3 5625
36616A Acid-Base Titration

MONFIL 151/80 FL 40 4809
Monopoly (MONOP) Game Data File

MONITR 162/82 CP 23 33497
Data Entry Series Control Program

MORGAG 141/82 U 8 2734
36094B Mortgage Analysis

MRKSIM 047/82 U 1 5628
36199 - Marketing Simulation, MAIN Intro

MULFIL 133/82 U 5 4290
36210B CTC Manufacturing Parts Control, Part 3 of 23

MULPRT 040/82 U 11 33520
Manufacturing List Program

MUSIC 146/82 U 2 2742
Music Processor

MUSIC2 146/82 U 4 5629
36276A Triad Solving Program

MUSIC5 158/82 U 4 4295
36259A Finds Dominant Sevenths

NACBIL 144/82 U 14 33531
36211B CTC Inventory Control Billing Summary

NATB1 158/82 CL 9 2744
Adds Scores to a NATB student file - FORM A

NATB2 134/82 CL 7 5633
Second Program for the NATB - FORM A

NATB3 134/82 CL 19 4299
Score Summary for the NATB - FORM A

NEWA 154/82 U 8 33545
36841A Program to Accompany NEWFOOD (A), Part 2 of 8

NEWAGE 084/82 U 16 2753
36214B CTC Accounts Receivable, Part 3 of 13

NEWB 144/82 U 9 5640
36841A Program to Accompany NEWFOOD (B), Part 5 of 8

NEWC1 109/82 U 4 4362
36841A Program to Accompany NEWFOOD (C), Part 6 of 8

NEWC2 160/81 U 4 33553
36841A Program to Accompany NEWFOOD (C), Part 7 of 8

NEWD 138/82 U 14 2769
36841A Program to Accompany NEWFOOD (D)

NEWTN2 159/82 U 7 5649
36316A Newton's 2nd Law

NEWTRA 131/82 U 9 4366
36214B CTC Accounts Receivable, Part 6 of 13

NIK1 147/82 U 3 33557
36790A CMA Marketing: Planning, Part 2 of 5

NIK2 144/82 U 13 2783
36790A CMA Marketing: Planning, Part 3 of 5

NZYM2 125/82 U 9 5656
36304A Enzyme Reaction Rate

NZYMC 088/82 U 7 4375
36303A Enzymatic Reaction Rates

OAP10 146/82 FL 5 33560
(unknown numeric data)

OAP10P 146/82 FL 2 2796
(unknown numeric data)

OAP9 146/82 FL 5 5665
(unknown numeric data)

OAP9P 146/82 FL 2 3598
(unknown numeric data)

OAPA 146/82 FL 5 33565
(unknown numeric data)

OAPAP 146/82 FL 2 2798
(unknown numeric data)

OAPCHR 146/82 FL 68 5670
(unknown BASIC-FORMATTED string data of job titles)

OBSPRT 139/82 U 7 4382
36210B CTC Manufacturing Parts Control, part 12 of 23

OHCLER 144/82 U 6 33570
36210B CTC Manufacturing Parts Control, part 21 of 23

ORBIT 147/82 U 3 2800
36121A Integrates Equations of Motion

ORG1 138/82 U 8 5738
36826A Organic Checmicals Naming Drill, Program 1

ORG2 138/82 U 12 4434
36826A Organic Checmicals Naming Drill, Program 2

ORGCHE 125/82 U 14 33576
36646A Drill on Organic Compound Nomenclature

OWNSUM 042/82 U 15 2803
36211B CTC Inventory Control

PARAM 145/82 FP 50 5746
(unknown numeric data)

PAYFIG 124/82 U 8 4446
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 15 of 34

PAYPER 112/82 U 10 33590
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 8 of 34

PAYPRF 112/82 U 8 2818
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 9 of 34

PAYREC 112/82 U 16 5796
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 10 of 34

PAYROL 159/82 P 7 13119
Keypunch Data Test

PDEMO 077/81 FP 20 33600
PILOT Demonstration Program

PHOSYN 112/82 U 9 2826
36305A Photosynthesis Experiment

PHOTEL 145/82 U 5 5812
36317A Photoelectric Effect

PHOTON 147/82 U 5 4849
36318A Energy Level Problem

PHPOH 054/82 U 3 33620
36617A PH, POH, PCT, Dissociation

PHYP 077/81 FP 80 2835
PILOT Logic Drill

PI 154/82 U 4 5817
36623A Calculate PI

PIC 162/82 C 2 4173
Generate an ASCII PIC of Snoopy, Dog, Mickey, Road Runner, etc

PILOTF 147/82 U 26 33623
PILOT/F Language System

PJPLAC 085/82 U 9 2915
36212B CTC Projetion Programs, Part 5 of 10

PKEPL 077/81 FP 58 5821
PKEPL in PILOT/F, CAI In Kepler's Third Law

PLAN 140/82 U 14 4854
36790A PLAN, Part 4 of 5

PLANK 158/82 U 8 33649
36350A A Photoelectric Simulation

POLAR 141/82 U 5 2924
36155A Plots Single Variable in Polar Form

POLICY 111/82 U 11 5879
36649A Students Formulate National Policy

POLSUB 141/82 U 5 4868
36239A POlynomial Subtraction

POLUT 145/82 U 11 33657
36639B Water Pollution Simulation

POP 158/82 U 5 2929
36844A Three Population Growth Simulation Models

POSTER 231/81 C 7 5890

PR 150/81 AL 256 15905
LPR ASCII Device File

PRCNT 074/82 U 6 4873
36311A Percent Composition

PRDCST 308/80 U 13 33668
36210B CTC Manufacturing Parts Control, Part 20 of 23

PREFIX 159/82 U 4 2934
36880A CAI, Tests Knowledge of English Prefixes

PREPER 140/82 L 4 6361
English Present-Perfect CAI Drill

PREREG 040/82 U 3 5897
36282A College Registration Demo, Part 3 of 10

PRJTL 116/82 U 5 4879
36331A Projectile Motion

PRT22 043/82 U 5 33681
36211B CTC Inventory Control, Part 25 of 35

PSWORD 158/82 FL 5 9740
BASIC-formatted file, Laurel Computer Center form to change an account password

PTUB 124/81 FP 150 5900
PILOT/F Tutorial Program No. 2, in PILOT/F Language

PTUC 093/80 FP 75 4884
PILOT/F Tutorial Program No. 3, in Pilot/F Language

QTRLEG 085/82 U 15 33686
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 19 of 34

QUADT 089/82 U 4 2948

QUBIC 162/82 CP 12 6050
3-dimensional TIC-TAC-TOE

R1PRT 147/82 U 13 4959
36212B CTC Projection Program, Part 4 of 10

R2PRT 140/82 U 10 33701
36212B CTC Projection Program, Part 7 of 10

R3PRT 085/82 U 11 2952
36212B CTC Projection Program, Part 9 of 10

RATIO 131/82 U 4 6062
36336A Solves Proportions

RAW 146/82 FL 20 4972
(unknown basic-formatted file of numeric data)

RAWN 134/82 FL 24 33711
(unknown basic-formatted file of numeric data)

RD 148/82 CU 3 2963
Dumps ASCII or BASIC-formatted files

REFLCT 140/82 U 7 4992
36319A Least Time Principle and Light

REFLEC 144/82 U 5 33735
36672A Computer-Augmented Physics Topics (Optics)

REFRAC 105/82 U 5 2966
36669A Computer-Augmented Physics Topics (Formulas for Refraction)

REG 159/82 U 8 6067
36282A College Registration Demo, Part 6 of 10

RELATI 140/82 L 1 35053

REPORT 056/81 A 256 4999
(empty ASCII file)

REPS 140/82 U 2 33740
36282A College Registration Demo, Part 4 of 10

RETDOG 162/82 FP 10 2971
BASIC-formatted File, ASCII Art of a Dog

ROOTS2 140/82 U 3 6075
36625A Quadratic Equiation Solver

RUNNER 162/82 FP 19 5099
BASIC-formatted File, ASCII Art of the Road Runner Cartoon Character

S1B6AV 155/82 U 15 33742
Spanish 1B, Sigamos, Unit 6: Part A, Vocabulary Review

SA1 139/78
4 2981
Prints "Class of 78" in large letters on the TTY

SACMET 133/82 U 3 6078

SALES 159/82 U 4 5118
Sales Commission Plan

SALEXP 076/82 U 16 33757
36211B CTC Inventory Control, Part 19 of 35

SALPRT 337/81 U 16 2985
362??B CTC Program, Part ?? of ??

SALREV 085/82 U 11 6081
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 30 of 34

SALSA1 160/82 U 5 5122
Spanish Language CAI, Noun/Adjective Agreement

SALSIM 067/82 U 11 33773
Scaled Salary Cost Computations for Raises

SAM 352/80 C 2 3001
PATTI System "HELLO" Utility Program to print the date and time

SAM1 160/82 U 3 6092
Spanish I, Conjugation of Ser. present Tense

SANTA 162/82 FP 64 5127
Banner Program for ASCII Art, "Merry Christmas..."

SAP 160/82 U 11 33784
36843A Survey Analysis Program

SARA 158/82 U 3 3003
Spanish CAI, SER vs ESTAR

SAT 160/82 U 6 6095
36182A Trigonometric Solutions of Triangles

SAVING 081/82 U 3 3006
36708A Compound Interest Computation

SCHNO 161/82 FP 60 11759
Laurel Computer Center, BASIC-formatted Data File of District School Addresses

SCHNUM 132/82 FP 22 6101
Laurel Computer Center, BASIC-formatted Data File of District School Addresses

SCIMAT 161/82 CP 18 11892
Enter School Supplies and Equipment into a file.

SCIREQ 161/82 CP 17 5221
Print School Requisitions

SCOMM 152/82 U 2 3009
Spanish CAI, Singular Command Form for Verbs

SCOOP 162/82 CP 2 6123
Prints the Current Date and Time

SCORES 158/82 U 2 4318
36136A Computes Mean. Standard Deviation and Standard Scores for Test Results

SCVSL1 153/82 U 3 33818
Spanish CAI, Conocer vs Saber

SDIOP 126/82 U 7 3011
Spanish CAI, Direct of Indirect Object Pronouns

SELENA 159/82 U 4 6126
Spanish CAI, Vocabulary Review

SESOBI 107/82 U 1 2015
Search a Sorted Binary Tree, en Espanol

SETS 120/82 U 4 33821
36337A Union and Intersection of Sets

SETUPC 091/82 U 2 3018
36209B 2000C Management Simulation Game

SFUCO 107/82 U 5 6130
Spanish CAI, Future and Conditional Tenses

SGFMS 105/82 U 31 5239
36832A Student Grade File Management System

SHORTR 159/82 U 3 33825
Shortest Route Problem, using the Dynamic Programming Method

SIDEL1 153/82 U 4 3020
Spanish CAI, Ir-Dar-Estar Present Tense

SIMP 154/82 U 5 6135
Spanish CAI, Imperfect Tense

SIPRAC 124/82 U 5 5270
36238A Practice with Signed Numbers

SKR1 242/79 FL 32 33828
(empty file)

SKR2 312/81 FL 32 3024
(unknown BASIC-formatted string-data file)

SLITS 145/82 U 11 6140
36351B Young's Double Slit Experiment

SLOPE 146/82 U 5 5275
36626A Finds Derivatives

SNELL 130/82 U 8 33860
36320A Snell's Law

SNOBER 125/82 U 3 3056
36849A SNOBOL System, Error Messages

SNOBEX 153/82 U 21 6151
36849A SNOBOL System, Interpreter

SNOBLD 148/82 U 3 4389
36849A SNOBOL System, Source File Generator

SNOBOL 148/82 U 20 33868
36849A SNOBOL System, Compiler

SNOOP 162/82 FP 8 3059
BASIC-formatted file of strings, ASCII Art of a Snoopy Image

SNOOPY 162/82 CP 9 6172
Prints a Snoopy Image

SOFAR 141/82 U 2 4461
36282A College Registration Demo, Part 7 of 10

SOLVER 109/82 U 10 33888
36149A Solves Complex Simultaneous Equations

SORT2 070/82 U 5 3067
36214B CTC Accounts Receivable, Part 5 of 13

SORTSC 312/81 FP 20 6181
(unknown BASIC-formatted string-data file)

SPACE 160/82 U 8 5280
36321A Spacecraft Orbit Simulator

SPAFUT 140/82 L 2 9642
Spanish CAI, Spanish Regular Future

SPANSH 155/82 F 10 9720
Spanish CAI, Basic-formatted file of string messages

SPCTRA 141/82 U 4 33898
36184A Simulation of Optical Absorption Spectra of Two Species Equil. Mixtures

SPOSS 107/82 U 10 3072
Spanish CAI, Possessives I, Adjectives II, Pronouns

SPRO1 107/82 U 5 6201
Spanish CAI, Pronouns

SPVBI 126/82 U 3 5288
Spanish CAI, Verb Conjugations

SPVPL2 154/82 U 2 33902
Spanish CAI, Por vs Para

SQ82 132/82 FP 505 6206
School Inventory Data File

SQ83 161/82 FP 500 11819
School Inventory Data File

SQRT 138/82 U 3 5291
36627A Finds Square Root

SREFV 160/82 U 4 33904
Spanish CAI, Reflexive Verbs

SSRP 146/82 U 8 3082
(Originally 36832A SGFMS) Student Grand Management System

SSUB1 139/82 U 6 6711
Spanish CAI, Subjunctive Present and Imperfect

SSUBII 107/82 U 1 2303
Spanish CAI, Imperfect Subjunctive

SSUPRE 161/82 U 4 33908
Spanish CAI, Conjugation of the Present Subjuctive

STAT 159/82 U 10 3090
36334A Statistical Analysis of Lab Data

STATAL 118/82 U 5 6717
36628A Arithmetic Mean

STDPT 124/82 U 7 5294
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 14 of 34

STERL 158/82 U 11 33912
36641B Fly Population Control

STKINC 055/82 U 10 3100
Stock Incentive Program (Merger)

STKRTN 062/82 U 8 6722
Stock Returns

STKSMO 064/82 U 8 5301
EXP Smoothing as a Stock Guide

STKVAL 088/82 U 10 33923
Stock Value and Evaluation

STOCK 162/82 U 14 3110
36331A Stock Market Simulation

STOICH 089/82 U 9 6730
36618A Mass Volume

STOP 159/82 U 11 5309
36208B Computer Literacy, Pseudo Machine Language

STPAL 063/82 U 7 33933
Simulated Machine Language (Also STPAL, STPAL1, STPAL2)

STPAL2 042/82 U 10 3124
Simulated Machine Language

STPAL3 341/81 U 3 6739
Simulated Machine Language

STPRT 040/82 U 14 5320
CTC Program, unknown grouping

STRING 139/82 FP 1 33940
(unknown BASIC-formatted string data file)

SUBDIS 083/82 U 6 3134
Displays Subassembly with each Component Part and Usage

SUMALL 140/82 U 13 6742
36211B CTC Inventory Control, Part 14 of 35

SUMFS 069/82 U 13 5334
36211B CTC Inventory Control, Part 15 of 35

SUN 161/82 CU 10 33941
Sun Ascension, Declenation, Altitude and Azimuth of the Sun for a Given Date

SUNSET 158/82 P 8 3140
36180A Sunrise and Sunset Computation

SURFAC 125/82 U 5 6755
36338A Area of Surface of a Revolution

SYSSOL 106/82 U 14 5347
36278A Solving Systems of Linear Equations

TAPAY 162/82 U 13 33951
36211B Inventory Control, Part 24 of 35

TASOLD 106/82 U 17 3148
36211B Inventory Control, Part 4 of 35

TEACH 162/82 U 2 6760
36878A Scores Student Test Results

TENS 159/82 U 2 5361
36128A Drill in Multiplication of Numbers with Trailing Zeroes

TIMDIF 106/82 U 6 33964
36801A Calculates Statistical differences

TIME 160/82 CP 1 3165
Displays a periodic (TTY) or real (CRT) time on a terminal

TM 154/82 U 3 6762
36743A Turing Machine Simulator, Part 1 of 5

TMIN 162/82 U 5 5363
36743A Turing Machine Simulator, Part 3 of 5

TMLST 048/82 U 4 33970
36743A Turing Machine Simulator, Part 4 of 5

TMNEW 126/82 U 2 3166
36743A Turing Machine Simulator, Part 2 of 5

TMRUN 126/82 U 7 6765
36743A Turing Machine Simulator, Part 5 of 5

TPRT 156/82 U 15 5368
Manufacturing Transaction, Prints last transactions

TRA 145/82 U 13 33974
CTC Program, Unknown grouping

TRANSP 085/82 U 7 3168
36230A Transportation Problem

TRCK1 146/82 U 6 6772
36174A Calculates Truck Freight Rates

TRIFAC 159/82 U 7 5383
36237A Factoring Quadratic Trinomials

TRUINT 111/82 U 3 33987
True Interest Rates on Installment Loans

TRUTH 160/82 U 7 3175
36602B Truth Tables for Boolean Expressions

TUT01 158/82 CP 12 6778
36139A Tutor Series BASIC Language Programming Course, Part 1 of 25

TUT02 160/82 CP 10 5390
36139A Tutor Series BASIC Language Programming Course, Part 2 of 25

TUT03 159/82 CP 12 33990
36139A Tutor Series BASIC Language Programming Course, Part 3 of 25

TUT04 159/82 CP 13 3182
36139A Tutor Series BASIC Language Programming Course, Part 4 of 25

TUT05 159/82 P 11 6790
36139A Tutor Series BASIC Language Programming Course, Part 5 of 25

TUT06 160/82 CP 12 5400
36139A Tutor Series BASIC Language Programming Course, Part 6 of 25

TUT07 160/82 U 11 34002
36139A Tutor Series BASIC Language Programming Course, Part 7 of 25

TUT08 160/82 CP 12 3195
36139A Tutor Series BASIC Language Programming Course, Part 8 of 25

TUT09 159/82 U 9 6801
36139A Tutor Series BASIC Language Programming Course, Part 9 of 25

TUT10 159/82 P 5 5412
36139A Tutor Series BASIC Language Programming Course, Part 10 of 25

TUT11 159/82 P 10 34013
36139A Tutor Series BASIC Language Programming Course, Part 11 of 25

TUT12 159/82 P 11 3207
36139A Tutor Series BASIC Language Programming Course, Part 12 of 25

TUT13 159/82 P 10 6810
36139A Tutor Series BASIC Language Programming Course, Part 13 of 25

TUT14 159/82 P 10 5417
36139A Tutor Series BASIC Language Programming Course, Part 14 of 25

TUT15 159/82 P 8 34023
36139A Tutor Series BASIC Language Programming Course, Part 15 of 25

TUT16 159/82 P 7 3218
36139A Tutor Series BASIC Language Programming Course, Part 16 of 25

TUT17 159/82 P 11 6820
36139A Tutor Series BASIC Language Programming Course, Part 17 of 25

TUT18 159/82 P 7 5427
36139A Tutor Series BASIC Language Programming Course, Part 18 of 25

TUT19 159/82 P 10 34031
36139A Tutor Series BASIC Language Programming Course, Part 19 of 25

TUT20 152/82 P 8 3225
36139A Tutor Series BASIC Language Programming Course, Part 20 of 25

TUT21 147/82 P 7 6831
36139A Tutor Series BASIC Language Programming Course, Part 21 of 25

TUT22 147/82 P 4 5434
36139A Tutor Series BASIC Language Programming Course, Part 22 of 25

TUT23 147/82 P 11 34041
36139A Tutor Series BASIC Language Programming Course, Part 23 of 25

TUT24 147/82 P 11 3233
36139A Tutor Series BASIC Language Programming Course, Part 24 of 25

TUT25 158/82 P 10 6838
36139A Tutor Series BASIC Language Programming Course, Part 25 of 25

TWQUES 160/82 U 4 5438
36130A Mathematical Game of Twenty Questions

UNFIN 107/82 U 10 34052
French CAI, Possessive Adjectives

UNITS 158/82 U 4 3244
36157A CAI In Interpretation of EE Units

UNR 164/82 CU 2 33795
Unrestricts Programs for Transfer to Other Accounts

UNTDIS 131/82 U 11 6848
CTC Program, Unknown grouping

UNTSUM 131/82 U 15 5442
CTC Program, Unknown grouping

UPDTAQ 055/82 U 10 34062
CTC Program, Unknown grouping

UPDTG 082/82 U 14 3248
36210B CTC Manufacturing Parts Control, Part 1 of 23

UPDTIC 140/82 U 15 6859
CTC Program, Unknown grouping

UPDTQ 040/82 U 12 5457
36210B CTC Manufacturing Parts Control, Part 2 of 23

UPDTSB 040/82 U 14 34072
CTC Program, Unknown grouping

UPLOAD 158/82 CU 2 3262
CTC Program, Unknown grouping

USECNT 131/82 U 6 6874
CTC Program, Unknown grouping

USEPRD 134/82 U 10 5469
CTC Program, Unknown grouping

USERS 130/82 FL 10 34086
Laurel Computer Center Message to Users, (BASIC-formatted string-data file)

USPOP 154/82 U 12 3264
36802A U.S. Population Projection Simulation

VACSIC 090/82 U 6 6880
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 31 of 34

VEND 161/82 FP 40 40136
(BASIC-formatted String-data File) Vendor names and addresses

VENDOR 127/82 FP 10 5479
(BASIC-formatted String-data File) Vendor names and addresses

VFIELD 138/82 U 7 34096
36322A Potential Field Picture

VHECK 283/78

Reads an TAPE and PRINTs the numeric value of each line's first character

VLOCTY 140/82 U 6 6886
36323A Instantaneous Velocity

VOCAB 160/82 U 7 5489
36880A CAI English Synonym Drill

VOLSOL 158/82 U 6 34103
36339A Volume of a Solid of Revolution

VPDQ 139/82 U 20 3277
36554A Plotting Data

VRRC 158/82 U 22 6892
36557A Investment Strategy Analysis

VSPRT 067/82 U 9 5496
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 32 of 34

W2FORM 144/82 U 11 34109
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 21 of 34

WATER1 283/78
9 3297
36326A Water Budget Problem Check

WATER2 160/82 U 5 6914
36237A Water Budget

WAVES 154/82 U 6 5505
36324B Sum of Two Waves

WHEELS 156/82 P 16 34120
36187A Auto Purchase and Maintenance System

WKCOMP 156/82 U 11 3306
36213B CTC Payroll Program, Part 28 of 34

WKSHT 158/82 U 4 6919
36133A Generates Math Worksheets

WORK 164/82 FL 100 5511
Laurel Computer Center, EDITOR/2000 Data File Register User Accounts

XCORUN 146/82 U 25 34136
36854B COBOL

XREF 156/82 CL 24 3317
36143C BASIC Language Cross-Reference Generator

XREFM 156/82 FL 24 6923
36143C BASIC Language Cross-Reference Generate, Messages File