Release Notes For SIMH 2.7 Beta 5 8-Sep-01 This release of SIMH extends simulation capabilities to multiple terminals via TELNET. 1. The DZ11 multiline terminal simulator is included in both the PDP-10 and PDP-11 kits. The DZ11 is implemented as an include file, dec_dz.h, that is incorporated into a framing, system specific peripheral, e.g., pdp10_dz.c. 2. The DZ11 socket routines have been implemented under Windows, UNIX, and Macintosh, and tested under Windows and Digital UNIX. For VMS, OS/2, and other platforms, the sockets routines are unimplemented. Although the DZ11 will respond to I/O page reads and writes, it cannot connect to remote sessions. 3. The DZ11 uses the ATTACH command to establish the master listening port for incoming TELNET requests: ATTACH {-m} DZ where -m, if specified, turns on modem control, and the port number is any unused TCP/IP port between 1 and 65535. In theory, this port should be remembered by SAVE and restored by RESTORE, but in practice, it is safer to detach and attach the DZ11 by hand. 4. The SHOW DZ command will show the status of connections to the DZ11. 5. The 64b integer data types have been renamed t_int64 and t_uint64, to avoid conflicts with Windoze parameter files. 6. The 64b conditionals in sim_defs have been redone, yet again, to include Alpha VMS and a broader definition of Alpha UNIX. 7. The interrupt structure of the PDP-11 has been substantially redone to increase the number of simulated interrupts and thus the number of simulated devices. As a result, SAVE files from previous releases will encounter errors during the RESTORE process. This new structure has not been retrofitted to the PDP-10. 8. The SET/SHOW device structure (MTAB) has been extended to provide device-specific display capabilities. If an MTAB entry has a display string and a verification routine, but no match string, the verification routine is treated as a special display routine and called to display device-specific information.