Completing Installation

After a successful build, install the server using the following steps:

  1. Copy SSHEXEC.COM, SSH_LOGIN.COM, and SSH_LOGINOUT.EXE to the directory containing the command procedure pointed to by the SYS$SYLOGIN.COM logical, setting protection on these files to world read+execute.

  2. Invoke the command procedure with a P1 value of "INITIAL_KEY" to cause it to generate the 2 RSA private key files hkey.pem and skey.pem. You may alternatively generate these files using SSLeay's genrsa utility, the key lengths must differ by at least 256 bits and the files must NOT be password protected. Move these files to sys$manager and protect against access by non-privileged users.

  3. Modify your system startup procedures to invoke during boot and to install ssh_loginout.exe with sysprv. Install ssh_loginout.exe manually now as well if you plan to start the server without rebooting the system.

  4. Modify sys$sylogin procedure to include so that logins via SSH mimic the informational displays of conventional logins and correctly assign DECwindows display devices when X11 forwarding requested.

  5. Edit the ssh_parameters.dat parameter file to customize for your site. You should change the 'host_key' and 'server_key' key lines to reflect the sys$manager location of the key files.

  6. Test the server by invoking with a P1 value of test. While running in test mode, attempt to login to the server from an SSH client. The output lines written to sys$output during test mode are written to ssh_server.log during normal (detached) server operation.

  7. Start a detached server by invoking with no parameters.