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Network Control Language Reference

Order Number: AA-Q190F-TE

November 1996

This manual describes the syntax and features of the Network Control Language (NCL) and the NCL commands used for network management modules.

Revision/Update Information: This manual supersedes the DECnet/OSI Network Control Language Reference Guide.

Operating Systems: OpenVMS VAX Version 7.1
OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1
Digital UNIX Version 4.0

Software Versions: DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Version 7.1
DECnet/OSI for Digital UNIX Version 4.0

Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts

November 1996

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This book describes the syntax and features of the Network Control Language (NCL), and the NCL commands that you use for network management modules. DECnet-Plus networking software works with systems running Digital UNIX and OpenVMS software and conforms to the Digital Network Architecture (DNA). DNA, the model for all DECnet implementations, allows all Digital operating systems to participate in the same network.

Intended Audience

This multiplatform book is written for network managers responsible for managing DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS and DECnet/OSI for Digital UNIX networks.

Document Structure

This book has two parts:
Part I Provides an overview of the functions provided by NCL.
Part II Describes the NCL commands and related information. There is a separate chapter for every NCL module and each chapter contains a comprehensive description of each entity belonging to that module.

Common data types, common exceptions, and NCL error messages are described in the appendixes.

Related Documents

For a list of additional documents that are available in support of this version of the operating system, refer to the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Introduction and User's Guide or the DECnet/OSI for Digital UNIX Introduction and User's Guide.

For additional information the DECnet-Plus products and services, access the Digital OpenVMS World Wide Web site. Use the following URL:                                    

Reader's Comments

Digital welcomes your comments on this manual or any of the DECnet-Plus documents. Send us your comments through any of the following channels:
Fax 603 881-0120, Attention: OSSG Documentation, ZKO3-4/U08
Mail OSSG Documentation Group, ZKO3-4/U08
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An adjacent node is a node connected to the local node by a single physical line.

These terms are used interchangeably:

How To Order Additional Documentation

Use the following table to order additional documentation or information. If you need help deciding which documentation best meets your needs, call 800-DIGITAL (800-344-4825).


The following conventions apply to this book.


The following conventions are for multiplatform documentation.

Indicates information specific to DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS.

Indicates information specific to DECnet/OSI for Digital UNIX.
Convention Meaning
special type Indicates a literal example of system output or user input. In text, indicates command names, keywords, node names, file names, directories, utilities, and tools. On a DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS, Digital UNIX, or ULTRIX system, enter the word or phrase in the exact case shown.

You can abbreviate command keywords to the smallest number of characters that OpenVMS, Digital UNIX, NCL, DECdns, DECdts, and the other utilities accept, usually three characters.

italic Indicates a variable.
text style Indicates a new term defined either in the text or in the DECnet-Plus Introduction and User's Guide glossary.
Return Indicates that you press the Return key.
Ctrl/x Indicates that you press the Control key while you press the key noted by x.
[ ] In command format descriptions, indicates optional elements. You can enter one, none, or all of the options.
{ } In command format descriptions, indicates you must enter at least one listed element.
| In command format descriptions, separates choices within brackets or braces.
<> Indicates the end of platform-specific information.


The following acronyms are used throughout this book:
ACSE Association Control Service Element
ASE application service element
ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One
BER basic encoding rules
CMIP Common Management Information Protocol
CML CMIP Management Listener
DAP Data Access Protocol
DCS defined context set
DDCMP Digital Data Communications Message Protocol
DECdns Digital Distributed Name Service
DNA Digital Network Architecture
DTR DECnet Test Receiver
DTS DECnet Test Sender
ES--IS end system to intermediate system protocol
EVL Event Dispatcher
EVL event logger
FAL file access listener
FTAM File Transfer, Access, and Management
HDLC High-Level Data Link Control
MIR loopback mirror
MOP Maintenance Operations Protocol
NSAP network service access point
NCL Network Control Language
NSP Network Services Protocol
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
OSUL Open Systems Upper Layer
PCI protocol control information
PDU protocol data unit
PPCI presentation protocol control information
PSDN packet switching data network
SPCI Session Protocol Control Information
SPDU session protocol data unit
SSDU session service data unit
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TPDU transport protocol data unit
TSDU transport service data unit

Part I
NCL Overview

Chapter 1
Introduction to NCL

This reference guide describes how to use the Network Control Language (NCL) command line interface on DECnet/OSI for Digital UNIX and DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS nodes. You should be familiar with the concepts and terminology of the entity model of network management, as described in the network management guide for your operating system.

This chapter tells you how to use NCL in the following ways:

1.1 Rights Identifiers Required for Use of NCL

DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS uses OpenVMS rights identifiers to check access on all manageable entities. This differs from the Phase IV software, which used OpenVMS privileges for access to the permanent database and for write access. Read access to the volatile database in Phase IV was unprotected.

1.1.1 Access to Local Network Data

In DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS, the rights identifier NET$EXAMINE grants a user read access to the network configuration data. The NET$MANAGE rights identifier grants read and write access to the network configuration data, and NET$SECURITY grants ability to set default accounts. These new rights allow the network manager to restrict access to network parameters. Access is granted to an individual user by means of the Authorize utility on OpenVMS. The following command examples grant access:

UAF> grant/id net$examine Joe  ! Grant user Joe read access to local network 
UAF> grant/id net$manage  Joe  ! Grant user Joe read/write access to local 
network data 
UAF> grant/id net$security Joe  ! Grant user Joe ability to set default 

In lieu of NET$MANAGE rights, the BYPASS privilege grants read and write access.

When issuing NCL commands to the local node (for example, NCL SHOW ALL or NCL SHOW NODE 0 ALL), the rights of the executing process determine whether access is granted.<>

In Digital UNIX, access control policy is as follows:

1.1.2 Access to Remote Network Data (OpenVMS)

When issuing NCL commands to the remote node (for example, NCL SHOW NODE remote-node-name ALL or NCL SET NCL DEFAULT ENTITY NODE remote-node-name), a connection is established to the CML application on the remote node. Access checks performed on the remote node are dependent on the account the remote CML application is running in (on an OpenVMS node). When the connection comes into an OpenVMS machine, a process is created to run the CML application. The account used is determined in the following order:

  1. If explicit access control is specified, the specified account is used.
  2. If there is a default account for the application receiving the request, it is used.
  3. If a proxy account is specified, or there is a default proxy account for the remote user, it is used.
  4. If none of the above are specified, the session entity is checked for a default nonprivileged account to use.

If the account that runs the CML application does not have the NET$EXAMINE for read access, or NET$MANAGE identifier for read and write access, then the access is denied by the management agent.

The manager of the remote node must take explicit action to allow an individual user access to the network configuration information. For example:

The last option is one of the selections offered by NET$CONFIGURE when configuring the application database. If you select a default account for the CML application, NET$CONFIGURE grants NET$EXAMINE right to that account by default.

1.2 Network Management Graphical User Interface

You can access NCL through either a command line interface or graphical user interface (GUI). The GUI allows network managers to view the status of network components and control those components from a Motif-based window interface located at:

This utility provides a hierarchical graphical approach to the management of DECnet-Plus. The manageable components of DECnet-Plus (modules, entities, and subentities) are represented in a tree-like structure below the icon that represents the node you are managing. This provides an easy way to familiarize yourself with the organization of these manageable entities. If you choose to enable the displaying of NCL commands from the Default Actions pull-down menu, this utility can also help familiarize you with NCL syntax.

In addition to issuing NCL commands on your behalf, NCL GUI can also perform task-oriented functions that involve many NCL commands or are complex in some way. The currently supported NCL GUI tasks are:

The same rights required to run NCL are also required to run this utility.

For further information, refer to the network management guide for your operating system.

1.3 Getting Started with NCL

You can issue NCL commands from a terminal or from a command file. You can use NCL to manage network entities on local and remote nodes. If you are familiar with Phase IV network management and the Network Control Program (NCP), you can use the decnet_migrate utility as an option to map NCP commands to their NCL equivalents. See the network management guide your operating system for further details.

1.3.1 Invoking NCL (Digital UNIX)

There are several ways to invoke the interactive NCL utility:

  1. Enter ncl at the shell prompt. The NCL prompt appears:
    % ncl Return 
  2. Enter an NCL command line.
    % ncl any ncl command Return 

    After the command executes, you return to the shell.
  3. Redirect a command script into NCL.
    % ncl <scripta 

    where scripta is the name of a script that contains a sequence of NCL commands.
  4. Execute a shell script containing NCL commands. Your shell script can use the exit status returned by NCL commands.
    % ncl_filename 

    The following C shell script demonstrates this:
    ncl show routing circuit circuit-1 all attributes 
    if ( $status != 0 ) then 
     echo "" 
     echo "This ncl command failed." 
     echo "" 

    This sample script uses the exit status from an NCL command to determine whether or not to echo a message. If the command fails, the shell script echoes the message.

Other NCL operations include:

1.3.2 Invoking NCL (OpenVMS)

There are several methods of invoking the interactive NCL utility:

  1. Type run sys$system:ncl at the DCL prompt $:
    $ run sys$system:ncl Return 
  2. Define a symbol at the DCL prompt (or insert the symbol in your LOGIN.COM file) and then type NCL at the DCL prompt as follows:
    $ ncl :== $ sys$system:ncl Return 
    $ ncl Return 
  3. Enter an NCL command line.
    $ ncl any ncl command Return 

    The system executes the command and returns you to the $ prompt.


    The third method works only if you define a symbol at the DCL prompt or insert the symbol in your LOGIN.COM file.

  4. Enter MCR at the DCL prompt:
    $ mcr ncl Return 
  5. Enter an MCR command:
    $ mcr ncl any ncl command Return 

The ncl> prompt indicates that you are using the NCL utility. When you receive this prompt, you can enter NCL commands.

Other NCL operations include:

1.3.3 Accessing Online NCL Help Information

When you enter Help, you enter a standard help library containing descriptions of the network management entities and their attributes. NCL online help is a quick reference in addition to this book.

To access online NCL Help in OpenVMS, type help at the ncl> prompt. For Digital UNIX, type a question mark (?). A list of available topics immediately appears, for example:

ncl>help or ?
Additional information available: 
  add        advertise  block      boot       change     clear      connect 
  Console_Carrier       create     data_types delete     Directory_Module 
  disable    disconnect dump       echo       enable     event_messages 
  flush      getnif     getsif     ignore     Introduction_to_NCL   limit 
  load       loop       module_descriptions   pass       ping       query 
  read       remove     rename     reset      restrict   set        show 
  shut       shutdown   snapshot   start      startloop  stop       stoploop 
  synchronize           test       testevent  undefine   unlimit    update 

The NCL entities are listed by verb, event message, module description, and data type. You must type in the topic name exactly as you see it. For example, to find the syntax for adding an X25 Relay Client subentity, you would do as follows:

Topic? add
  Additional information available: 
  modem_connect         mop        osi_transport         routing 
  session_control       x25_access x25_protocol          x25_relay 
ADD Subtopic? 

At this prompt you type x25_relay:

ADD Subtopic? x25_relay
    Additional information available: 
    client     pvc 
ADD x25_relay Subtopic? 

At this prompt you type client:

ADD x25_relay Subtopic? client
         add  [node  node-id] x25 relay client client-name 
               rights identifiers 

Additional information available: Characteristics Identifiers ADD x25_relay client Subtopic?

Continue down the hierarchy exactly as it appears in the syntax section of each entity module, as illustrated in Part 2 of this book.

This method is also used for seeing a list of event messages (event_messages), data types (data_types), a brief module description of each entity (module_descriptions), and this entire introductory chapter on how to use online help (introduction_to_ncl).

To obtain a brief summary of what may occur next in an NCL command, press the Help key or Ctrl/G.

For example:

ncl> set routing probe rate = Help 
Attribute Name = Probe Rate 
Architected Default Value = 20 
Value Type = 16 bit unsigned integer 
Minimum allowed value = 1 
Maximum allowed value = 65535 
ncl> set routing probe rate =  <>

A DECnet-Plus help file has been added to the DCL help library. To invoke the help, enter the following command:


1.3.4 Creating Log Files

To keep a record of the commands entered during an NCL session, use the NCL logging facility.

All information printed out in an NCL session is stored in the log file after logging is enabled. This information includes commands, output, and error messages. All information except the commands are preceded in the file by a comment symbol, so this file can be used as an NCL script in another session.

Use the set ncl logfile and enable ncl logging commands to begin NCL logging. For example:

ncl> set ncl logfile filename.ncl 
ncl> enable ncl logging 
ncl> show node 0 session control application fal all attributes 

After saving the NCL commands to a log file, use the NCL log file as an indirect command file to be invoked (during subsequent NCL sessions) with the do control verb or the at sign (@) symbol.

For example:

ncl> enable node 0 session control 
ncl> do setup_applications.ncl 

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