OpenVMS Guide to System Security
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OpenVMS Guide to System Security

Order Number: AA--Q2HLC--TE

November 1996

This guide describes the security features available through the OpenVMS operating system. It explains the purpose and proper application of each feature in the context of specific security needs.

Revision/Update Information: This manual supersedes the OpenVMS Guide to System Security, Version 6.2

Software Version: OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1
OpenVMS VAX Version 7.1

Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts

November 1996

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Intended Audience

This guide is designed for users and for administrators responsible for protecting operating systems from tampering, observation, or theft of services by unauthorized users. The term security administrator is used in this guide to refer to the person or persons responsible for system security.

Document Structure

This guide contains the following information:

Related Documents

The OpenVMS Guide to System Security assumes you are familiar with the reference material in the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual pertaining to the following security-related utilities:

You might find helpful the amplified security information in the following manuals:

Users with a specific interest in networking should be familiar with the DECnet for OpenVMS Networking Manual (Phase IV) or DECnet/OSI Network Management (Phase V).

For a complete list and description of the manuals in the OpenVMS documentation set, see the Overview of OpenVMS Documentation.

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... Horizontal ellipsis points in examples indicate one of the following possibilities:
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Vertical ellipsis points indicate the omission of items from a code example or command format; the items are omitted because they are not important to the topic being discussed.
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- A hyphen in code examples indicates that additional arguments to the request are provided on the line that follows.
numbers All numbers in text are assumed to be decimal unless otherwise noted. Nondecimal radixes---binary, octal, or hexadecimal---are explicitly indicated.

Part I
Security Overview

The chapters in this part discuss the following topics:

Chapter 1
Understanding System Security

Effective operating system security measures help prevent unauthorized access and theft of computer time and any kind of sensitive information, such as marketing plans, formulas, or proprietary software. These measures can also protect equipment, software, and files from damage caused by tampering.

This chapter provides security administrators with an overview of security measures available with the operating system. Part 3 provides more specific information regarding site security policies, the tasks of security administrators, and methods of protecting site computer systems and resources.

1.1 Types of Computer Security Problems

On any system there can be two types of users: authorized and unauthorized. Any person authorized to use the computer system has the right to access the system and its resources according to the authorization criteria set up by the site security administrator. Usage criteria may include the time of day, types of logins, use of different resources like printers and terminals, and so on. Unauthorized users have no right to use the system at all or only at a given time of day, or they have no right to use certain system resources.

On a computer system, security breaches usually result from one of four types of actions:

The following chapters explain how to avoid these problems:

1.2 Levels of Security Requirements

Each site has unique security requirements. Some sites require only limited measures because they are able to tolerate some forms of unauthorized access with little adverse effect. At the other extreme are those sites that cannot tolerate even the slightest probing, such as strategic military defense centers. In between are many commercial sites, such as banks.

While there are many considerations in determining your security needs, the questions in Table 1-1 can get you started. Your answers can help determine the levels of your security needs. Also refer to Section 6.2 for a more specific example of site security requirements.

Table 1-1 Event Tolerance as a Measure of Security Requirements
Question: Could you tolerate
the following event?
Level of Security Requirements Based on Toleration Responses
Low Medium High
A user knowing the images being
executed on your system



A user knowing the names of
another user's files



A user accessing the file of another
user in the group



An outsider knowing the name of the
system just dialed into



A user copying files of other



A user reading another user's
electronic mail



A user writing data into another
user's file



A user deleting another user's



A user being able to read
sections of a disk that might
contain various old files



A user consuming machine time
and resources to perform
unrelated or unauthorized work,
possibly even playing games




If you can tolerate most of the events listed, your security requirements are quite low. If your answers are mixed, your requirements are in the medium to high range. Generally, those sites that are most intolerant to the listed events have very high levels of security requirements.

When you review your site's security needs, do not confuse a weakness in site operations or recovery procedures as a security problem. Ensure that your operations policies are effective and consistent before evaluating your system security requirements.

1.3 Building a Secure System Environment

There are two sources of security problems outside the operating system domain: employee carelessness and facility vulnerability. If you have a careless or malicious employee or your facility is insecure, none of the security measures discussed in this guide will protect you from security breaches.

Most system penetration occurs through these environmental weaknesses. It is much easier to physically remove a small reel of tape than it is to break access protection codes or change file protection.

Digital strongly encourages you to stress environmental considerations as well as operating system protection when reviewing site security.

This book discusses operating system security measures. When deciding which of these measures to implement, it is important for you to assess site security needs realistically. While instituting adequate security for your site is essential, instituting more security than actually necessary is costly and time-consuming.

When deciding which security measures to apply to your system, remember the following:

The operating system provides the basic mechanisms to control access to the system and its data. It also provides monitoring tools to ensure that access is restricted to authorized users. However, many computer crimes are committed by authorized users with no violation of the operating system's security controls.

Therefore, the security of your operation depends on how you apply these security features and how you control your employees and your site. By first building appropriate supervisory controls into your application and designing your application with the goal of minimizing opportunities for abuse, you can then implement operating system and site security features and produce a less vulnerable environment. For an example of one organization's security plan, see Chapter 6.

If you require your system to meet the United States government rating of a C2 secure operating system, please refer to Appendix C in this manual.

If you need a higher level of computer security for your OpenVMS secure system, Digital offers SEVMS, which is the security enhanced version of OpenVMS that provides mandatory access controls to enforce a system-wide security policy.

SEVMS is a U.S. Department of Defense B1-rated secure operating system.

Chapter 2
OpenVMS Security Model

This chapter presents the concepts that guided the design and implementation of the security features and mechanisms incorporated into the operating system. The intent is to provide a framework for thinking about your total system security picture. Subsequent chapters present details about the security features and their use.

2.1 Structure of a Secure Operating System

In the late 1960s, a great deal of research and development was dedicated to the problem of achieving security in multiuser computer systems. Much of the development work involved attempts to find all the things that could go wrong with a system's security and then to correct those flaws one by one. It became apparent to the researchers that this process was ineffective; effective system security could result only from a basic model of the structure of a secure computer system. The reference monitor concept was proposed as such a model and gained wide acceptance.

2.1.1 Reference Monitor Concept

According to the reference monitor concept, a computer system can be depicted in terms of subjects, objects, an authorization database, an audit trail, and a reference monitor, as shown in Figure 2-1. The reference monitor is the control center that authenticates subjects and implements and enforces the security policy for every access to an object by a subject.

Figure 2-1 Reference Monitor

The following table describes the elements shown in Figure 2-1:
Item Element Description
1 Subjects Active entities, such as user processes, that gain access to information on behalf of people.
2 Objects Passive repositories of information to be protected, such as files.
3 Authorization database Repository for the security attributes of subjects and objects. From these attributes, the reference monitor determines what kind of access (if any) is authorized.
4 Audit trail Record of all security-relevant events, such as access attempts, successful or not.

2.1.2 How the Reference Monitor Enforces Security Rules

The reference monitor enforces the security policy by authorizing the creation of subjects, by granting subjects access to objects based on the information in a dynamic authorization database, and by recording events, as necessary, in the audit trail. In an ideal system, the reference monitor must meet the following three requirements:

These are the requirements proposed for systems that are secure even against penetration. In such systems, the reference monitor is implemented by a security-related subset, or security kernel, of the operating system.

2.2 Implementation of the Reference Monitor

While the OpenVMS operating system does not implement the reference monitor as a security-related subset, or security kernel, its interface to users and system managers does mirror the basic structure dictated by the reference monitor concept. Experience shows that incorporating such a structure is the best way to build a system resistant to probing and to most attempts at penetration.

The following sections describe the OpenVMS operating system's implementation of the reference monitor model.

2.2.1 Subjects

Subjects are the users or user agents (the user processes) that access information and, in some cases, may be prevented from accessing information. Subjects can be interactive processes, network processes, or batch jobs, and:

When a user logs in to use the operating system interactively or when a batch or network job starts, the operating system creates a process that includes the identity of the user. That process gains access to information as the agent for the user, as described in Chapter 4.

Processes are vulnerable to security breaches while they are being created and while they are accessing information. The system manages process access to information by using its authorization data and internal mechanisms, such as hardware controls. Because process creation has many areas of security vulnerability, many operating security features concentrate on the area of process (or subject) creation.

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