From: Tom Kelly, David Empson, Rubywand 013- What are the settings for the Apple Super Serial Card? Here is some information about Super Serial Card (SSC) settings. Recomended Slots Slot 1 for printer use Slot 2 for modem (and most non-printer serial communications) use Jumper Block- configures serial I/O lines for typical Printer or Modem connection. According to SSC info included in the Apple IIe Technical Reference Manual, the jumper block may also set some aspects of the default operating mode-- such as the default software Command character (CTRL-I in Printer mode, CTRL-A in Modem or "Communications" mode). Most aspects of operating mode are set via the DIP switches. For typical printer use, label is right side up (arrow points DOWN), DIPs are set for printer operation, and a printer cable is used. This jumper setting can also be used with a modem cable to make a NULL modem connection to another computer. (DIPs would then be set for modem operation.) For typical modem use, the label is upside down (arrow points UP), DIPs are set for modem mode, and a modem cable goes to the modem. To make a NULL modem connection to another computer, use a modem cable + NULL modem adaptor. Note that RS-232-C signals on the SSC use negative-true logic; that is, they are true at 0v and false at +5 volts. DIP Switch Settings These set the default operation of the SSC. The settings may be overridden via commands entered from the keyboard or from software. SW1 Dip Switch Settings SW1 Dip Switch 1-4 Settings Baud SW1-1 SW1-2 SW1-3 SW1-4 SW1-8 50 on on on off not used 75 on on off on " 110 on on off off " 135 on off on on " 150 on off on off " 300 on off off on " 600 on off off off " 1200 off on on on " 1800 off on on off " 2400 off on off on " 3600 off on off off " 4800 off off on on " 7200 off off on off " 9600 off off off on " 19200 off off off off " SW1 Dip Switch 5-7 Settings SW1-5 SW1-6 SW1-7 Modem operation on on on Printer operation off on on* Note Switch SW1-5 and SW1-6 help define the operation mode of the card. 1-5 1-6 Operation Mode on on Modem off on Printer on off Emulate Apple Serial Interface Card with P8 PROM off off Emulate Apple Serial Interface Card with P8A PROM Switches SW1-7 and SW2-7 select between the standard and secondary Clear To Send signals when the jumper block is set for printer operation. 1-7 2-7 pin on off CTS off on SCTS For modem operation, SW1-7 should always be ON and SW2-7 should always be OFF. *For printer operation, the setting may vary. If using an Imagewriter II SW1-7 should be ON and SW2-7 should be OFF. SW2 Dip Switch Settings Switches SW2-1 through SW2-4 functions depend upon whether modem or printer operation is enabled. SW2 Dip Switch 1-4 Settings for Modem operation Data Parity Stop SW2-1 SW2-2 SW2-3 SW2-4 Bits Bits 7 none 1 on off off on 7 odd 1 on off on off 7 even 1 on off off off 7 none 2 off off off on 7 odd 2 off off on off 7 even 2 off off off off 8 none 1 on on off on 8 odd 1 on on on off 8 even 1 on on off off 8 none 2 off on off on 8 odd 2 off on on off 8 even 2 off on off off SW2 Dip Switch 1-4 Settings for Printer operation SW2-1 Default data format on 8 data, 1 stop off 8 data, 2 stop SW2-2 Delay after sending out a RETURN character off None on 32 milliseconds SW2-3 and SW2-4 set line width and video output 2-3 2-4 Function on on 40 column output, video on on off 72 column output, video off off on 80 column output, video off off off 132 column output, video off SW2 Dip Switch 5-7 Settings (Modem or Printer operation) SW2-5 enables automatic line feed generation. on auto-send a linefeed after sending a CR off no linefeed auto-send SW2-6 enables interrupts. on Yes (recommended for baud rates of 1200 or greater) off No SW2-7 used with SW1-7 to select CTS signal on may have this setting for use with some printers off correct setting for modem operation (SW2-8 is not used) Connector Pin Assignments 10-Pin Dsub-25 Header Connector Signal Name ______________________________________________________ 1 1 Frame Ground 2 2 Transmit Data (TXD) 3 3 Receive Data (RXD) 4 4 Request To Send (RTS) 5 5 Clear To Send (CTS) 6 6 Data Set Ready (DSR) 7 19 Secondary Clear To Send (SCTS) 8 7 Signal Ground 9 20 Data Terminal Ready (DTR) 10 8 Data Carrier Detect (DCD) Pins 1-7 and 2-7 are set together to determine the SSC pin to be read for the Hardware Handshaking signal. Generally set to monitor Pin #20. Typical Configurations (and Don't Forget The JUMPER Block) Modem** ImageWriter I/II Printer*** SW1 SW2 SW1 SW2 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 ON XXXX XX XXX X XX X XX OFF XXX X X XXX X XX XX ** Default is 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit. The correct settings for SW2-5 (on= auto-send linefeed after CR) and SW2-6 (on= enable interrupts) may vary. *** This is the setting recommended in the IW-II manual.