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TCP/IP Networking on OpenVMS Systems

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In this example, the SET command is setting up a permanent network connection over the serial port TTA0.

6.2.7 SHOW

Allows you to display the communication characteristics for a specific terminal.


 SHOW device-name[:] 



Supplies the name of the device whose characteristics are to be displayed. The device name has the form ddcu where dd is the device code, c is the controller designation, and u is the unit number. LAN devices are specified as the name of the device that is unit 0. For example, the first terminal device on a LAN is specified as TTA0, the second as TTB0.



Indicates whether the address compression is on or off.

/ALL[=BRIEF] (default)


Displays all the current device and communication settings. BRIEF formats the output for the screen. LONG displays each setting on a separate line.


Shows the current values for the specified counter(s). You can specify one or more of the following keywords with this qualifier:
Keyword Description
ALL Displays all counters.
BAD_FCS_PACKETS Displays the count of packets with bad frame check sequence (FCS).
DATA_LOST Displays the count of lost characters that were reported by hardware.
DROPPED_CHARACTERS Displays the count of all characters thrown away.
FRAMING_ERRORS Displays the count of characters with framing errors.
LONG_PACKETS Displays the count of packets longer than the current maximum receive unit setting (MRU).
RECEIVED_PACKETS Displays the count of total packets received.
RUNT_PACKETS Displays the count of packets with too few characters.
TOTAL_CHARACTERS Displays the count of all characters received.
TRANSMITTED_PACKETS Displays the count of total packets transmitted.


Specifies the number of Link Control Protocol (LCP) echo requests and the interval (in milliseconds) between requests that must be sent without response before the line is considered down.


Shows the current receive and transmit FCS size in bits.


Shows the current flow control setting used over the asynchronous physical link. You can specify one of the following keywords with this qualifier:
Keyword Description
HARDWARE Uses RTS/CTS flow control. If using this control, the transmit Asynch Control Character Map (ACCM) can be 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x60000000. Only valid for lines set to /MODEM or /COMMSYNCH.
XON_XOFF (default) Uses band flow control. If using this control, the optimal transmit ACCM is 0xA0000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x60000000. Only valid for asynchronous lines.


Displays the action that occurs when a session is terminated.


Shows the number of attempts that are made to negotiate a magic number.


Shows the number of configure-request packets sent without acknowledgment before assuming that the peer is not responding.


Displays the number of configure-nak packets sent before sending a configure-ack and before assuming that the configuration is not converging.


Shows the number of terminate-request packets sent without acknowledgment before assuming the peer is unable to respond.


Displays the largest packet that the line can receive.


Displays the largest packet that the line can transmit.


Displays the current network protocol(s) allowed over the physical link.


Indicates whether this is a passive or active line.


Indicates whether this is a permanent or transient (nonpermanent) line.


Shows the status of protocol field compression.


Displays the value of the current receive ACCM for asynchronous ports.


Displays the interval used to time transmission of request packets.


Indicates the current input and output speeds of the line.


Displays the value of the current transmit ACCM for asynchronous ports.


The SHOW command allows you display the current terminal and communication settings. To display all available settings, use the /ALL qualifier.

Line TTA1: is being used for PPP connections 
Debug trace:     OFF       Debug mailbox:  
Address comp:    OFF       Max configure:        10  Restart timer:        30 
ASN port name:   ASN13     Max failure:           5 
Echo failure:           0  Max terminate:         2  Receive ACCM:   FFFFFFFF 
Echo intervals:         0  MRU:                1500  Transmit ACCM:  FFFFFFFF 
Flow control:    XON/XOFF  MTU:                1500                  00000000 
Hangup:          DEFAULT   Mode:           ACTIVE                    00000000 
Line type:       TRANSIENT Net protocol:   TCP/IP                    60000000 
Magic retries:          0  Protocol comp:  OFF                       00000000 
Input speed:     DEFAULT   Receive FCS:          16                  00000000 
Output speed:    DEFAULT   Transmit FCS:         16 
Counter totals for line TTA0: 
Bad FCS packets:                   0   Packets received:                  4 
Data lost (chars):                 0   Packets transmitted:               6 
Dropped chars:                     0   Runt packets:                      0 
Framing errors:                    0   Total chars received:            179 
Long packets:                      0

The command in this example displays the current PPP characteristics assigned to port TTA1.

Appendix A
OpenVMS TCP/IP Software Vendors

The following list identifies vendors and the TCP/IP products they supply. These products run on OpenVMS systems as layered software.

Appendix B
Using DECnet Over TCP/IP

DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS enables you to run Digital Network Architecture (DNA) and OSI applications over an IP network backbone, as well as over OSI or traditional DECnet backbones. Applications include those supplied by Digital, third-party applications, and user-written applications. For details on configuring DECnet over TCP/IP, see the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Applications Installation and Advanced Configuration guide.

When to Use TCP/IP or DECnet Over TCP/IP

Use TCP/IP in the following situations:

Use DECnet over TCP/IP in the following situations:

B.1 Establishing Network Connections

You can use DECnet over TCP/IP to connect to any of the remote hosts on the network. The following examples make the necessary connections.

To connect from a DECnet-Plus node to a DECnet-only node, use the following format:

$ SET HOST DECnet-only-node

To connect from a DECnet-Plus node to another DECnet-Plus node, use the following format:

$ SET HOST DECnet-Plus-node.computer-name.company.com

To connect from a DECnet-Plus node to a TCP/IP node, use either of the following formats:

$ SET HOST/TELNET TCP-IP-node.computer-name.company.com
$ SET HOST/RLOGIN TCP-IP-node.computer-name.company.com

B.2 Using DECnet Applications RFC1006 and RFC1006 Plus

RFC1006 is an Internet standard that defines how to implement ISO 8073 Class 0 on top of TCP. Hosts that implement RFC1006 must listen on TCP port 102.

RFC1006 Plus is an Internet draft that defines how to implement ISO8073 Transport Class 2 Non-Use of Explicit Flow Control on top of TCP. Hosts that implement RFC1006 Plus must listen on TCP port 399.

The DECnet over TCP/IP feature, which is RFC1006 Plus, allows traditional DECnet applications (such as MAIL, CTERM, and FAL) to accept IP names and addresses. The OSI applications over TCP/IP feature, which is RFC1006, allows OSI applications (such as FTAM and VTP) to accept IP names and addresses. An IP name specification is translated from the BIND server(s) defined in the local TCP/IP product already installed on your system.

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  OSSG Documentation
  26-NOV-1996 11:22:29.78

Copyright © Digital Equipment Corporation 1996. All Rights Reserved.
