A colophon (from the Greek word for "summit" or "finishing touch") is a paragraph in a printed book that tells about how the publisher produced the book. We've modified the colophon slightly for our online information.
The OSSG documentation group is a team of writers, editors, artists, and production people located at Digital's software engineering facility in Nashua, New Hampshire, USA, and at Digital's networking facility in Littleton, Massachusetts, USA.
The writers and artists use Digital tools to create the information and enter mark up tags. From a single SDML source, we generate all the filetypes we need: PostScript, Bookreader, HTML, text files, and VMS help.
The writers use VAX Document V2.1 to create hardcopy, text, help, and Bookreader files, and DECdocument V3.1 from Touch Technologies to create HTML versions of the documents.
DOC_COLOPHON.HTML OpenVMS Documentation 18 October 1996